Chapter 15. Hope

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Four years later

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Four years later

Tommy Chapman wrote down the last spelling word and looked at his mother. "That was a hard word," he said. "Are you sure that was grade 3 level?"

"It was grade 5 level," she stated, looking over his sheet. "You spelled it right just like all the other grade 5 level words I've ever given you. You're smart, Tommy. Don't ever forget that."

"What's the point of being smart if I'm stuck here all the time?" he asked. "Couldn't I go to regular school and at least have some friends?"

Lacey sighed. "We've talked about this. It's not safe."

"For me or for the other kids? I wouldn't use my strength against anyone, Mom. Ever. I wouldn't be a bully."

"I know," she agreed. "You're a good kid. But all it would take is one slip up and someone could say something to the wrong person. You know there were a couple of men asking about me in town, right? If they see you they'll know whose son you are because you look just like your dad."

The boy's face turned red. Five years since his Dad was killed by Thanos and there were still people looking for his mom, because they figured out she had Bucky Barnes' child. Why couldn't they just leave them alone? He got up off the chair and went to the door.

"I'm going to the treehouse," he said. "I want to be alone."

She nodded her assent and walked to the door, watching as he ran to the other side of the property in seconds. It wasn't fair, she knew, but Phil Coulson had figured the CIA were looking again, especially since she published her third book. Once they knew she hadn't turned to dust they started searching for her again. Terry walked in from the barn.

"What's wrong with Tommy?" he asked. "He left here in a hurry."

"He asked about going to regular school again," she answered. "He's lonely for kids his own age."

"Which he can't because of the two men asking about you in town," said Terry. "I feel for him."

"When he was little he had Nathaniel Barton," said Lacey. "It helped him and they had such fun together. Fuck, I hate what Thanos did. No one's happy because nearly everyone lost a loved one. Nothing's been the same since."

"It brought us closer," noted Terry. "Just saying, little sister."

Lacey smiled. "It did. About the only good thing to come out of it."

A text message on her phone alerted her and she took off out of the house yelling for Tommy. Terry ran to catch up.

"What is it?" he yelled as he ran behind her.

"Someone trying to enter the property," she called back. "Wong got an alert from the protection spell he put on the perimeter."

Tommy appeared and ran to her. "What?" he asked.

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