Chapter 5. Safety is Relative

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This chapter takes place during the same time as the Marvel movie Avengers: Age of Ultron. 

After only a couple of days in the Tower, Tony Stark escorted Lacey to see Bruce Banner.  She was somewhat surprised to learn he was very much a gentleman, having been told he was also the Hulk.  He was kind, asking her politely to sit on the bed while he checked her out by taking her blood pressure, listening to her heart, and performing a basic examination. 

"You're certain about the date you got pregnant?" he asked.

"Yeah," she replied.  "I'm not very active sexually and he was the only one for a long time."

"It's too early for me to perform a paternity test," he informed her.  "Nine weeks gestation is the earliest.  It's non-invasive as well.  I know that Nat and Steve both believe you.  Tony just likes to have the science confirm it."

"Do you believe me?" asked Lacey.

He looked uncomfortable for a moment then seemed to come to a decision.  "Yeah, I do," he replied.  "From what you told Steve about your encounter with Bucky Barnes it sounds like he is more like the man he was, before the war.  Do you have feelings for him?"

She could see the concern in his eyes and answered him truthfully.  "I don't know if I will ever see him again but if I did I would hope it would lead to something," she said.  "We had a connection that I've never felt with anyone else before."

"When he does come in he'll need a lot of treatment," said Bruce sympathetically.  "He's going to need a lot of medical intervention for that monstrosity of an arm they gave him.  Even I can tell they've messed his physiology up with it.  There will likely be psychiatric treatment for the PTSD not to mention the deprogramming for his brainwashing.  It might take a long time, years even, to undo what HYDRA did to him." He looked at her kindly. "I just didn't want you to pine for him without knowing some of the realities."

"We talked a little about it," she replied.  "He didn't know if he would ever live a normal life."

"Well, he can always become an Avenger," smiled Bruce.  "None of us have a normal life either.  As for you it appears you're quite healthy.  If the nausea gets out of hand let me know.  There are some medications you can take, but keep some saltines with you.  Ginger tea helps as well.  I'm always here if you want to just talk."

"Thanks Bruce," Lacey replied warmly.  "You're nice to talk to."

He smiled kindly at her again and helped her off the bed.  When she left she noticed Tony went right in and closed the door behind him.  For some reason she didn't think it was about her.  As she went back to the common lounge area she noticed there was hardly anyone there. 

"Where is everyone?" she asked Maria Hill, who was seated on a stool at a tall table, checking her laptop.

"Preparing for a mission," she replied.  "They'll be gone for a couple of days.  I'm staying so you won't be alone.  How are you doing?"

"Bruce said I'm healthy," she replied.  "We talked about the father but until he shows up there's not much to say about him."

Maria nodded then delicately asked another question.  "How long did you know him?" she asked.

Lacey didn't answer at first, realizing the question was likely to come up more than once.  "Not long," she finally replied.  "We connected quickly but he was on the run and pretty much made it clear he wasn't returning.  The pregnancy was quite the surprise considering I was on the pill."

"Then why have the baby?" asked Maria.  "It's not like you don't have a choice."

"I know," admitted Lacey, "but I developed feelings for him, as short as our acquaintance was.  I don't mind being a single mom."

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