Chapter 21. Into the Mouth of the Lion

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Somewhere over the Atlantic

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Somewhere over the Atlantic

The blonde woman felt a hand on her shoulder and automatically shrank away from it.  The hand belonged to a dark haired woman carrying some food who kneeled in front of her while studying her face.

"You don't have to be afraid of me," she said.  "I will not hurt you.  In fact, I am here to help you and prepare you for the viewing."  She gently touched the blonde woman's hair.  "Do you have a name?"

"I don't know," whispered the blonde.  "Just when I think I remember it I don't anymore.  What did they do to me?"

"I'm not sure," said the brunette, kindly.  "Perhaps as you adjust to your new situation you will remember.  Here, have something to eat.  You must be hungry."

The blonde nodded her head and began to eat the food that had been offered to her.  The brunette went to the back of the aircraft and spoke in Russian to a man who had observed them interacting.

"They wiped everything," she said.  "They could have left a name, a sense of her identity.  Did Dendrov say whether he touched her?"

"He said he left her alone," replied the man.  "Not sure if I believe him or not but she doesn't seem to be showing the trauma of a rape.  Her face looks familiar though and that could be a problem.  I should run facial recognition software on her before we put her in the viewing."

The blonde ate the food that had been given to her and strained her ears to listen to the conversation of the brunette woman and the man at the back of the jet but she realized it was in another language. 

"Russian," said a thought that came up in her mind.  "How did I know it was Russian?  Have I heard it before?"

There was a magazine on the seat next to her, in another language which she didn't recognize but she began looking through the pictures.  An ad for a men's cologne made her pause and she looked at the male model in it.  She didn't know him but his dark hair and bright blue eyes brought an image of another man to her mind.  Just as quickly it was gone and although she tried to get it back she was unsuccessful.  As she chewed her food she went over in her mind what she did remember.  The other blonde woman, with the harsh face, and the crying boy she kept with her.  The boy kept calling out "Mom."  Did he mean her?  Was she his mother?  His eyes were also bright blue and for a moment she saw the man again in her memories.  Was he the father?  Her husband?  Taking a deep breath the blonde woman tried to remember again but had no luck.  There was a tattooed man with a shaved head, who seemed to know her and had offered the other blonde woman money for her.  They had haggled over her price and she realized she had been sold, like a slave.  It hit her, mid chew and she began to choke a little, grabbing a drink to wash the food down before the brunette woman came to check on her.  The tattooed man took her into a vehicle while the boy kept screaming for her until the other blonde woman slapped him.  She felt a surge of anger in her as she remembered that slap.  How dare she hit Tommy.  Tommy ... the boy's name was Tommy.  She was sure of it and she let the triumph of that memory wash through her. 

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