Chapter 9. Treatment

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Unlike the cryostasis forced on Bucky by HYDRA he found that his treatment in Wakanda allowed for his mind to remain somewhat aware but not completely alert.  It was like a dream state where he relived memories of his childhood, youth and adult life before his "death."  Every day there were new memories that seemed to come out of nowhere, including several sexual encounters.  As they came up he wondered if his body was frozen enough to keep down his reactions to his pre-war sex life which had been active.  His most emotional memories were those with Steve Rogers, starting when he was a sickly boy who was bullied mercilessly but still tried to stick up for himself.  Memories of them going to the movies, or going out to Coney Island often replayed in his mind.  It took some time reliving those memories before Bucky realized the Wakandans were retrieving the memories from whatever dark recesses in his mind they had hidden during the memory suppression treatments by HYDRA.  It didn't bother him.  In fact it brought him relief and some measure of happiness that the memories weren't completely lost.  It meant his brain was healing bringing him back to feeling human again. 

Before they put him under he was informed he would be awakened from cryostasis so that Princess Shuri could speak to him directly and assess his progress.  The first time they awakened him was somewhat confusing when he opened his eyes, unsure of what memory this was when he realized he was actually awake and not frozen.

  The first time they awakened him was somewhat confusing when he opened his eyes, unsure of what memory this was when he realized he was actually awake and not frozen

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"Is it finished?" he asked, making eye contact with the young scientist.

"Not yet, Sergeant Barnes," she said in her pleasant voice.  "This is just a little respite from the treatment, an opportunity to have a face to face conversation with you.  How do you feel?"

"Hungry," he said, quickly.  "May I have something to eat?"

"Certainly," she said.  "You may feel a little unsteady at first when you try to walk.  This is completely normal.  Put this robe on, in case you feel a little cool." She handed him a robe but didn't offer help in putting it on, wanting to see how he handled it.  "Follow me."

Bucky looked at the robe unsure how he was supposed to put it on.  Then placing the collar in his mouth, he grasped it with his teeth as he threaded his good arm into it.  Shaking the other part of the robe over his artificial shoulder cap he pulled it close with his hand then clumsily and loosely tied it.  He was shaking a little from the exertion but Shuri seemed satisfied with his effort and led the way to an eating area where a table was set for both of them near another table laden with food.  She offered him no assistance in filling his plate or glass, but helped herself then patiently waited while he put his plate down, spooned food onto it, then picked it up and brought it to their table.  Noticeably there was nothing that needed to be cut and she made a note that the next time he ate there would only be food that had to be cut.  Once he was seated she began to eat and looked at him thoughtfully.

"Is there anything you would like to ask about your treatment so far?" she asked.  "You have been in a semi-aware state throughout so you should remember much of what went through your mind."

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