Chapter 25. Moments

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Several months later

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Several months later

The RV was huge, bigger than anything Bucky could have imagined. It and a dozen others just like it were scattered about Clint Barton's farmyard to accommodate the wedding visitors. Nick Fury went all out on their behalf when he learned of the wedding location, arranging for the RVs and the glamping tents for those who were more adventurous. He even arranged for generators to power the units, all of them with much appreciated air conditioning, and a water supply. Bucky shared this unit with Sam, Sarah and the boys. Sarah was in one of the bedrooms while he took the other. Sam and the boys had bunk beds in the centre of trailer. Lacey and her family were put up in the Barton's house, although the boys, including Tommy, all asked if they could camp out in one of the glamping tents. When AJ and Cass found out they asked if they could stay in the tents with the others. They all had a blast, forming close friendships that lasted for years.

In the weeks leading up to the wedding day several of the Avengers had showed up when they had some free days to help clear out the barn and make it acceptable as a reception venue. There were all sorts of farm treasures found during the cleanup that even Clint didn't know about and they used them as decoration in the farmyard, after restoring them. The old truck that Bucky hid in became a source of tinkering for several people and when they got it cleaned up then running Clint couldn't believe it. For many of those on the team the cleanup and the truck tinkering became a bonding moment that allowed them to grow closer in a non-mission environment. By the day of the stag they were all a close knit bunch. So much so that when they hauled Bucky out of the RV and blindfolded him he let it happen without a struggle. They put him in the bed of the old truck and took a tortuously long route over uneven farmland before stopping and letting him remove the blindfold. He laughed out loud at seeing that they were still on Clint's land but were well away from the house in front of a huge pile of deadwood. Clint splashed some gasoline on it then lit a match and dropped it on the pile, setting it ablaze. From a cooler came beer, several bottles of scotch and cigars for everyone. Sitting on stumps around the fire they shot the breeze, telling stories of old missions, old girlfriends, and sports. As everyone got slowly drunk, except for him and Thor, Bucky laughed.

"You know that I can't get drunk?" he stated emphatically to the others.

"Not on regular alcohol," smiled Thor, as he pulled a small flask out of his pocket. "But this ... one drink will knock you out until your wedding day so you get a small taste only."

He pulled out the smallest shot glass that Bucky had ever seen and poured enough to fill it halfway. With a smirk Bucky took it and Thor raised his flask to him. The others raised their drinks as well.

"Here's to you, Buck, and your bride to be," he said. "May you have many children and many years to enjoy your life together."

Bucky downed the shot glass as Thor took a long swig from his flask. Within seconds it hit him hard, and for the first time since 1943, Bucky felt drunk, very, very drunk. His whole body felt warm and he began to sweat. Then his vision went weird as everything swirled in front of his eyes.

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