Chapter 20. The Cruelest Animal (Violent content)

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"We have good news and bad news," said Fury when he resumed the briefing

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"We have good news and bad news," said Fury when he resumed the briefing.  "We have located where Lacey Chapman and her son were taken after their kidnapping.   Thanks to a picture that Carter provided to taunt us Bucky Barnes noticed a logo on a coffee cup linked to a specific coffee kiosk in Greenwich Village.  Using satellite footage we were able to identify the arrival of our kidnap victims to a location in the Village on the same day of the kidnapping.  Barnes also pointed out his belief that the memory suppression machine in the photo had been used on Miss Chapman.  Our analysis concurred with that belief.  Yesterday afternoon that machine was dismantled and removed piece by piece from the premises.  Miss Chapman was seen leaving in the custody of individuals associated with Russian mafia human traffickers.  Young Tommy was seen in the custody of Miss Carter as she also left the premises.  They are no longer in the Greenwich Village location."

Bucky's lip curled.  They had missed their chance while assembling their team.  Several people touched his shoulder in support and he took a deep breath.  Fury looked directly at him and gave him a grim smile.

"We believe that Carter has taken the boy to Madripoor, where her base of power is," he stated.  "The memory machine has likely been transported there as well.  We are going to send select individuals there with nano masks to infiltrate Carter's base of operations.  Cap has been there before and will be heading up that team.  Barnes will be heading up the team that will locate Miss Chapman.  We have identified two of the men who were with her when she left the Greenwich Village location."  He looked up at the screen.  "Sergei Dendrov, and Anatoly Maksimov are both high ranking members of Black Cat, the trafficking arm of the Black Dog mafia.  They both have eye tattoos on their hands which is indicative of them watching their prey."

Bucky stood up.  "Dendrov is one of the men who attempted to find a flash drive in Lacey's house in 2014," he said.  "At that time he also recognized me as the Soldier meaning that Black Cat were providing subjects for HYDRA experimentation and had access to their facilities.  It's likely he has been planning to abduct Lacey since then, although the FBI arrested him in 2014.  I put a knife through his palm in subduing him so I'm sure he remembers her very well."

"That may be a fair assessment," said Fury.  "He disappeared during the Blip and was accidentally released upon his reappearance due to the confusion at the time.  He immediately went underground.  We do know that the current incarnation of Black Cat take their captives to the docks, keeping them in a shipping container until they have enough numbers to be profitable.  The container is usually transferred to a Russian registered cargo ship and they are transported over to be slaves, or put into the Eastern European sex trade.  It's a filthy business and we wish to shut them down completely and for good.  If you have a preference for which team you're on now's your opportunity.  Team Cap will stay here.  Team Barnes will reconvene in another location which Miss Hill will lead you to."

Sam and Bucky both stood up and gave each other a pound shake then Bucky followed Hill to another briefing room.  He was followed by Walker, Torres, Belova, Van Dyne, Bishop, Parker and Ayo.  When they entered the next briefing room Hill also stayed.  Terry Williams walked in a moment later.  Walker eyed Ayo nervously when she sat next to him, while she gazed at him impassively.

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