5| Different

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~Know your worth, then add tax~

Evangelines PoV
"Do we look like twins?," Aidan asked me as he threw a fry in the air, aiming for his mouth. I cringed as it missed, hitting his cheek before falling to the floor.

"She doesn't give a shit," Elias shrugged, rolling his eyes at Aidan as he shoved a spoonful of whatever was on his plate into his mouth.

"Enzo," one of his brothers called him. Enzo, sitting across me, let out a sigh as he pushed his chair back.

"Don't eat my food," he warned the twins as he walked towards his brother. Hushed whispers were shared between the two before Enzo returned to the table.

"This is Nicholas," Enzo introduced his brother.  I gave him a tight lipped smile only to receive a blank look in return. A tattoo on his ring finger caught my attention. It was two guns pointing at each other. That's a strange tattoo. Another one of his brothers walked in as Nicholas took his seat.

"Nice of you go join us Eros," Enzo spoke sarcastically. Eros didn't say a word as he faced his middle finger towards him, or flipped him the bird you'd say. He grumbled out some words to Aidan before sitting beside him. He surprisingly had no tattoos that I could see.

"When was the last time I fucking saw you, Theo?," Eros asked him feigning awe as he noticed his brother walk in. Theo gave him a blank look as he walked past him, ignoring Eros efforts to grab his attention.

"He's Theodore," Enzo introduced him.

"Just like the chipmunk from Alvin and the chipmunks," Aidan said like he was confirming something. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Alvin and the what now?

"You've never watched it?" I shook my head slowly. "Never even heard of them?" I shook my head once again. "Wow, you've really been living under a rock," Aidan scoffed out.

Theodore quietly sat next to Enzo, far away from Eros as possible as he tapped away on his phone. Theodore had one a short sleeved T-shirt allowing me to analyse the arrow tattoo he had on his arm.

I stared at the empty seat beside Nicholas and across Eros as I sipped my drink. Suddenly, the chair was pulled back causing a screeching noise to erupt before it stopped. Tobias had entered, sat down and began eating like there was nothing different.

"This is Tobias," Enzo told me again. "Now, you've officially met all of us." I nodded my head with a warm smile. "Tobias is the eldest, Nicholas is next, then it's Eros, then Theodore, then the youngest is me."

Tobias didn't look up until his name was mentioned, our eyes locked for a brief moment before he pulled them away to lay them on the food. It was then that I had noticed the tattoo peaking out from under Tobias's shirt. He has a neck tattoo. Unable to get a closer look at it, I settled for my imagination.

"Put a fucking shirt on, Eros," Tobias demanded as he gave him a dirty look. Eros stared at him, smiling smugly as he leaned back in his seat.


"We're eating," he began to say, keeping his voice levelled, hinting that he was getting angry. "Have some fucking manners."

I watched them both warily. So far, I've been treated amazingly so what if they get angry at each other and end up hurting me?

Eros let out an annoyed sigh yet got up nonetheless and went to grab a T-shirt. He returned within minutes and kept his mouth shut as he ate quietly. Enzo cleared his throat and gave me a big smile.

"Now you've met the Moretti brothers, Evangeline," Enzo announced, clapping his hands together. "Plus, Aidan and Elias," he added on quickly.

The way he spoke about them made me think the Moretti brothers are quite well known. If they really are well known, what are they well known for?

Aidan and Elias looked at each other pleased with Enzo as I tried to match everyone's name to their faces. These are the five men, minus Aidan and Elias, that came to collect me. All of them wore suits except for Eros and Theodore.

Wow. This is a lot of people. I've never seen this many people before.

Since I asked Enzo about why I was exchanged, he's acting normal like I hadn't even asked the question that made him bolt down the hallway.

"So Evangeline," Eros began speaking, snapping me out of my thoughts. "It's rare to come across such a beautiful woman like you in our line of work."

I could feel my cheeks warm up, no doubt turning red. "Thank you," I said accepting the compliment as he shot me a wink. Just as I was about to ask him about his 'line of work', Tobias had spoken.

"What did I warn you about?," Tobias got out through gritted teeth. It was a question but it sounded like he was quizzing Eros angrily, almost as if he already knows the answer.

Eros let out an exasperated sigh. "You said the same thing the time before this and the time before that." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm not fucking around, Eros," Tobias spoke threateningly.

"We need to talk."

Tobias's PoV
"We need to talk," Eros spoke before we both got up, our chairs scratching against the ground. I glanced briefly at Evangeline before turning away. She was confused. My bothers and the twins weren't. They know what Eros is like.

Eros and I entered another room and closed the door behind us. "Why the fuck is she being treated differently than the others?," Eros asked me rather harshly.

"Open your fucking eyes!," I snapped at him, whispering slightly in case anyone else overhears but most specifically her. "She's different."

"She's not," he scoffed out. "Everyone else was exchanged too."

"You don't think I fucking know that?" He let out a sigh as I took a threatening step forwards. "No compliments, no nothing. You're not gonna even try to fuck her. Don't fucking talk to her. Don't even look at her."

Eros clenched his fists into a ball before hitting the wall, letting out a yell and storming off. I let out a sigh and sat down in a nearby chair. The other brothers are okay with no sexual encounters with these girls but Eros is not. He's not like the others. He plays around with girls. For some stupid reason, he always wants the girls he can't have like the ones who are involved in a business deal.

Within seconds, he returned. Still fuming with anger, he slammed the door closed behind him as he entered. I stood up straight and waited for whatever he had returned to say. "Why is she different? I'm looking but I can't fucking see it."

"She's not like the others. Enzo was telling me that she asked him why she was here. She doesn't understand any of this unlike the others. They knew what was going to happen. She doesn't."

"So that's why she's actually staying with us instead of at the house," he said slowly, piecing it all together. I nodded my head.

"She wouldn't survive out there like the others. She's different."

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