43| Fixing it

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~Forgive but never forget~

Evangeline's PoV
When we woke the next morning, we didn't say a word to each other as we brushed past the other one trying to get ready. I bit my lip, stopping myself from speaking first.

He stabbed someone for me.

I couldn't get that out of my head. I guess the thought of him killing others never came to my mind. He carries a gun and he's the leader of a mafia so obviously he would've had to kill. I froze, stopping what I was doing as a terrible memory hit me.

All of a sudden, it seemed like everything happening was distorted and happening in slow motion. I didn't even hear or see the bullets go through my father. The only thing I saw was his body hitting the floor with his lifeless eyes looking straight at me.

Since I returned, I don't remember most of what happened that day. My brain just chose to block the memories out. I kinda prefer not remembering. It saves me from having nightmares.

He killed my father.

My father killed my mother.

He seemed angry as his forehead held his worry lines. His lips were pressed into a thin line. Would he kill me if I annoyed him enough? I doubt it. I tore my gaze away from him thinking about all the blood he has on his hands. The same hands he's touched me with.

Wordlessly, we made our way down to the kitchen. Chiara looked at me and was about to greet me happily before she sensed the tense atmosphere surrounding us. His mother didn't even say a word as she carefully chewed her breakfast. I stood awkwardly, leaning against the counter furthest from him.

He stood silently, waiting for Enzo to appear and when he did, he didn't allow him the chance to eat his breakfast as he dragged him away without a goodbye.

"That was awkward," Chi breathed out, exasperated. I just let out a hum in response. "So what happened?"

"Stop interfering," her mother, Rosa, spoke up. She turned to me. "But if you need me to hit some sense into him, I would be more than happy to interfere."

I let out a little chuckle at that. "No no, it's okay," I told them. "We just had a little disagreement last night."

Neither of them pushed me for more after that and I was grateful for it. I wonder if either of them has ever had to take a life. They both are in the mafia too so at one point they may have had to.

I fell deep into my thoughts again. I thought about the childish plan I had made with Caterina. I should've opened my eyes from the get go and realised how dangerous he is. He gets given people in exchange for debts and put them to work. He literally got me just so my father could clear his debt.

Maybe the women he has sex with are the women that are given in exchange for a debt, like me, maybe that's why he lost count.

I feel like I'm torturing myself with all these thoughts. I need to stop. I'll just have to wait for him to come home. I'll confront him then.


I stayed siting in the kitchen, waiting for Tobias to come back. He never did. I watched the clock strike midnight, still there was no sight of him.

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