53| Missing Him

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~Our souls are tied together, in this life and in the next~

Evangeline's PoV
"I love you, Tobias," I said breathlessly as I sat on his lap, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I love you," he told me as he left kisses down my neck. I moaned, groaned and tugged on his hair as his hands explored my body. The feeling of his hands on my breast, his lips on my skin made heat spread through my most sensitive part. That also might've been because my lower half was rubbing against him.

He was as hard as a pole.

A phone suddenly rang. He kept going ignoring it but it was hard for me to carry on. "Can you hear that?," I asked him. He paused for a moment. His beautiful eyes staring into my soul.

"No," he said as he went back to what he was doing.

"I gotta answer it."

The phone ringing pulled me out of my dream. That was just a dream. My skin was sticky with sweat as I was out of breath. I was so tempted to just close my eyes and fall back asleep to just continue that dream but I knew I wouldn't get the same dream again.

I let out a grumble as I leaned over and grabbed my phone. "What," I snapped as I answered.

"Damn, why are you so angry?," Lucas asked me.

"You just ruined my sleep," I answered. "So what do you want?"

"Just wanted to check in with you after last night," he told me.

"I'm fine," I said. "I gotta go." I cut the call and threw my phone next to me. I never answered his question last night and he definitely wants an answer. I guess I just don't know what answer to give. I know I don't need to answer him but he seems to think I do.

Caterina knew exactly what she was doing when she asked me that question about Tobias last night. She already knew the answer yet she still decided to ask.

I keep having those dreams about me and Tobias or sometimes it's just us being in each others presence. I love them. They're really keeping me sane because it just means that I can enter a world where he and I still exist and there's no one there to stop it.

It's no lie that I miss him. I do. I miss him so much. I've contemplated between going back or staying here and I've had to stop myself from returning. I caused him so many issues. He's probably moved on by now. He might've found a beautiful woman and he might love her, maybe even more than he felt for me. If he has, I don't want to ruin that. I don't want to ruin his life any more than I already have.

For now, I guess I'll just have to love him from afar and there's no one to blame for that but myself. It's my fault.

I laid in my bed, just staring at the ceiling, regretting most of my choices in life, one choice being leaving Tobias.

I'm kind of glad that I don't have pictures of the two of us. All of our pictures together are on his phone. I think if I had those pictures, it would be so hard for me.

I let out a sigh and reached into my nightstand for the vibrator. I know how to use it, I've done some research. I pulled out the long purple vibrator that was in the shape of a dick.

I turned it on and put it under the covers, finding my sensitive part. I shifted my position to get comfortable as I pressed it against me. Not feeling anything other than the vibration, I changed the position of the vibrator.

The feeling was unfamiliar but pleasurable as it vibrated against my clit. I've done my research on the human body. My toes began to curl and my back began to arch as this feeling was like no other. Of course, doing it with Tobias was much much better but this was close. I squeezed my eyes shut and panted slightly enjoying this feeling. I've never felt anything close to this in a while.

I gripped the bedsheets as my back arched even more of it was possible. Moans after moans tumbled out of my mouth as the vibrations ran through my body. Imagining Tobias doing this to me, his name accidentally slipped out of my mouth more than once.

Eventually, I could feel a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. This is my release. His name tumbled out of my mouth as sweat beads began to form on my forehead. My grip on the bedsheets tightened until my knuckle was white. Eventually, the knot had disappeared as I could feel my release trickling down my thighs. I threw my head back and moved the vibrator out from under my bedsheets.

Eventually, I had gotten up, showered and got ready for the day. I was feeling much calmer and less stressed now. I rolled my shoulders back as I finally felt relaxed after a long time. I grabbed my stuff and left my home to go to work.

I hummed a random song on the way to work. I work as a waitress. It's not much but I end up with enough money at the end of the month to pay for my apartment.

I got into work and instantly put my stuff away and got straight to work. I ran around the little diner, taking orders and dropping off food. I'd like to say I'm pretty good at this.

"Lucas," I said in confusion as he walked into the diner.

"Eva," he said, making me tense up. "I just came for a milkshake." I stared at him for a moment getting the feeling that he was lying before shrugging it off and getting back to work.


I had finished work. I stared out of the window at the dark night realising that I'd have to walk home alone in the dark. I hate the dark. I never normally finish at this time, I only did it for today because I need the extra cash.

I tugged on my sweater and grabbed my bag before leaving the diner. It was around midnight so I was definitely in a hurry to get home.

I stepped out of the diner and prepared to storm forwards before a voice caught my attention. "Eva." This voice was so familiar. The deep husky voice made a shiver run down my spine.

I froze in shock. I felt as though my heart had stopped beating. I turned to face him.

I hadn't seen him in months. He looked as perfect as ever but he seemed a bit more muscular than the last time I saw him. He was wearing a suit as usual. He looks so hot in a suit.

"Tobi," I breathed out.

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