Chapter 1 - An Interesting Fleshling

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Please know that this is all after Breakdown get destroyed, and also that I probably won't include many canon events-

Zero sat there, sleepless in the cold, abandoned car. The junkyard they were in was a great place to stay, considering the fact that they weren't wanted anywhere else and were uncomfortable when sleeping in public areas.

Ever since they had been kicked out, they had decided that the junkyard was best for them.

They sighed, laying down. They found themself looking at their hands silently. The sounds of Cybertronian pedes nearby caught their attention, their hands landed next to them as they sat up. They peeked out of their hiding place, looking at the mechs turning the corner. They awkwardly stared, seeing Starscream, some red con, and some Vehicons. From what they heard, there was energon somewhere nearby.

They flinched back into the car once one of the Vehicons saw them. They backed into the wall of the car, panic rising in their chest. Regardless of the cons being the side Zero believed was better, they were still afraid of the tall, alien robots. Besides, what were the chances that the group would come over to see why the hell a human child was in a junkyard..?

Just then, the car was picked up, they flinched at the sudden movement. They looked out of the car's window with wide eyes, seeing a red Optic staring back. They let out a yelp of alarm, seeing the digit's of the con reach inside. They curled up at the back of the car, contemplating their life decisions.

"Oh good job Starscream! You scared them!" The other con said, taking the car from the Second In Command. Whoever it was, they also had red optics. "Hey, fleshling, why are you here of all places? Shouldn't you be in one of those little buildings?" The bot asked as they stared at him, confused.

They stayed quiet for a while, "Maybe? But nobody wants me in their homes, that was made apparent weeks ago." They looked away for a moment, loosening up as a thought popped into their head. They pointed at the con, "Why would you care anyway? I'm simply a fleshling trying to survive! Yeah, I think you guys deserve to win the war you've created but that doesn't mean you have to worry about some small strange-" they yelped as they were grabbed by the leg and dragged out of the car.

Starscream let them dangle between his digits. They looked at the ground below them, waiting for him to drop them to their death. That was what he was doing right?

The two cons started talking as Zero was zoned out, they snapped out of it once a pointy finger poked their back. "HEY-! What do you want from me?!-" they said, now frustrated.

Starscream looked at them for a moment, "What is your designation, fleshling?" He asked sternly.

They paused for a moment, staring at the con. They sighed, "Zero, and you are Starscream, blah blah blah second in command whatever. Who's he?" They pointed to the red cybertronian next to Starscream.

The con looked at them, "I am Knockout." He said politely.

"Cool- can I go back into my broken car yet?" They asked, staring at the two.

Starscream smirked, "No, you're coming back to the Nemesis with us." They paused, staring at the cons in utter confusion.

"Won't Lord Megatron just squish me?" They asked.

"Probably, but I'd like to see what he'd do with a human that actually calls him 'Lord Megatron'." Knockout said with a shrug, walking away.

"Weirdo.." they mumbled, looking back at Starscream.

The con then flipped them into his servo, they yelped before they landed with a thud. "He will be curious about you." The con said before walking towards where Knockout and the Vehicons were, watching a ground bridge open. They shut their eyes as Starscream walked through.

Once they heard the clanking of the cons' pedes on the metallic floor of the Nemesis, they opened their eyes, watching as bots walked around and carried things. Their gaze shot forward once the cold voice of Megatron rang into their ears. They looked up to see the red gaze of the Decepticon leader on them. The warlord looked at Starscream with an expression that could only mean "what kind of joke is this?", he crossed his arms.

"Why have you brought a human back, of all things? Did you at least get the energon I sent you to get?" He scowled at the con.

"Y-Yes my liege, and, about the human, I brought them because-"

They cut him off, "He wanted to see if you were gonna squish me or not." They said calmly. They leaned back, holding themself up with their hands, "Just because I think you Decepticons deserve to win the battle you started doesn't mean you can't squish me." They moved their black, fluffy hair out of the way, staring at the warlord, "So do what you want with me, Lord Megatron, I honestly couldn't care if you killed me or not." They shrugged.

The cons stared at them, "What? Too honest?" They asked, tilting their head at the cybertronians.

Megatron stared for a moment, then pointed to Knockout, "Bring the human to my berthroom. They will wait there until I finish with my work today." Knockout nodded, walking over and snatching them out of Starscream's servo. They yelped at the motion, clinging onto his servo as he walked.

"You are one interesting human." he said, turning his servo so they dangled. They climbed onto the digit they were dangling on, only to nearly fall off the other side as he flipped his servo around, messing with the human.

"I get it, he didn't exactly say if he wanted me alive or dead but I'm pretty sure he doesn't want human blood on anything in his ship." They sighed, still dangling from his digit. "Y'know, my arms kinda hurt, what if I just-" they let go of his servo only to land on his other. He chuckled at their attempt.

"Sorry, fleshy, but you aren't dying anytime soon." Just then he walked up to a door, typing in some kind of code and setting them on a desk.

They looked around, "This is his room?" They asked, looking at Knockout.

"No, this is my room. We're stopping here because I know you humans get hungry." He pulled out a little bag, "I had found this and kept it in case I ever became.. acquainted with a human." He handed them the bag, and they opened it eagerly.

Scanning the food inside they concluded that it was safe to eat, then they were snatched up again..

They held the bag, watching as Knockout walked through the halls so casually. He paused at a door, opening it and walking inside. The inside looked fancy, fancier than Knockouts berthroom. They were set down on a desk, covered with data pads and documents.

"Well, I'll just leave you here then. Don't destroy anything." He said calmly, walking away.

They sat there in silence, looking around. "Might as well sleep, since I haven't really been able to for the last couple of nights." They said, setting the food down next to them and laying down, ignoring the mess around them. They fell asleep soon after, laying there peacefully on the desk.

Hours later, they woke up to something pointy poking them in the stomach. They opened their eyes, rubbing them before looking up at the owner of the claw. Megatron stared back, his cold gaze stabbing into their soul. They sat up, looking at him.

"Lord Megatron.." they mumbled, looking at the con.

"Zero." They flinched, HOW IN HELL DID HE KNOW THEIR NAME?- Oh yeah Starscream. They realized.

"Uh- Did you want to squish me in private or am I just, like, some kind of pet now?" They asked, tilting their head at the warlord.

"Though I would not call you a pet, I have decided to keep you. It's interesting how you seem to not care for your life, and you speak so boldly in front of one that could easily kill you. So, if I may ask, why do you not care if you die?" He poked them once again.

"Because life has been hell ever since I was born. Now, since I was kicked out, I only have to rely on leftover food and water from restaurants near that junkyard Starscream and Knockout found me in." They shrugged, looking at him, "Why do you keep a simple fleshling like me alive?"

"Because you are an interesting fleshling, and hopefully your stay at the Nemesis will change those.. thoughts of yours." The con stared at them, poking them lightly in the head. This was unusual, the infamous Decepticon leader being possibly concerned about a kid? How weird..

I know it's out of character-
But I hope you like it :)

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