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Legend has it that theres a god living within our world. One who caused the crystals, one who caused the world to go to hell.

I'm Sheer, and I live in a base with government officials, I was born here. I want to learn about this "god" they speak of. I want to know what the hell convinced them to murder most of the world. I don't get let me out often, knowing that I'd most likely die to those mind-controlled freaks, but I had other plans.

I snuck out while Commander Sal wasn't watching. Sal was always the one to keep an eye on me, she's like my mother, except my mother became one of them.

Those crystals, they have this effect on people. They make them collapse as crack-like markings climb up their body, from wherever they touched the crystal.

It controls them.

It brainwashes them.

I look at my surroundings, the sky's cloudy and brown. Crystals are scattered around the city, jutting out of buildings, streets, and the dirt that blows in the wind.

I can see people encapsulated in crystals, as if they were imprisoned.

And suddenly the child of Unicron is standing right in front of me.

"AH-!" I stumbled backwards, eyes widened at the sight. So this was the feared "god". "D-Don't come any closer!" I pulled out a small knife, one given to me by Sal.

They simply stared at me, eyes emotionless.

"You've never been out here, have you?"

I just looked at them uncomfortably, "N-No.."

They studied me, head to toe.

"Could've guessed, you look familiar." They crouched to my eye-level.

"..I do?"

"You do." They looked over their shoulder, their horns seemingly glowing for a moment before I could hear shuffling.

My head flipped towards the noise, there she was. My mother.

"I-I thought she..."

"She did not die, nor is she fully gone." They looked at me, "So, Sheer," I shivered at the mention of my name, "Lets make a deal."

"A-A deal?"

"A deal. If you allow me to use your body for information, I will allow you to live.." they side-glanced at my mother, "and you can have your mother back. I will protect you if it is needed."

I stared at them for a moment, a calming yet threatening silence stood in the air.

The god held out their hand, corrupted by crystals, shining and purple like their horns, "Deal?"




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