Chapter 3 - School.

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The mystery bot is an OC of mine called ShakenSkies

They woke up, they had fallen asleep again. What was it they dreamt about..? Oh yeah, how they became known as "The Human Decepticon". They sighed, it had been a year, they were 14 now and in 9th grade.

They sighed as Knockout drove them to school. "Why so pouty? Sad that you won't be able to draw me without my knowledge?" He asked through the radio, pulling into the school's parking lot.

"Eh, sorta, but school's also just so boring." They said, climbing out of the car, "See ya later, who will be picking me up later by the way?" They asked, looking at KO's holoform.

"Starscream, probably." He said, looking at them. "Bye, kiddo, see you later." He said, driving off before they could respond.

"Bitchass-" they mumbled before walking into what they called "literal hell".

They wandered to their first class, sitting down tiredly. Their robotic feet clinking on the tile below them. There were already a group of girls in the back of the class, gossiping about people, they assumed they were one of those people since they could feel the stares tickling their back.

They turned around, facing the girls, the ones staring at them looked away quickly. "Be careful around that kid, I heard they have a gun programmed into their arms." One of them whispered.

They looked at the girls, being only them and the techno-organic in the room, they spoke, "If I had a gun programmed into my arm I would've shot you already." They mumbled, turning away and doodling in their sketchbook.

Later, at lunch, they sat alone. Everyone avoided them. They sighed, eating their food in peace only to get jumpscared by the sound of a jet outside. They turned around to see what they could only assume was Starscream. They sighed, continuing to eat the pre-made lunch from Soundwave.

Suddenly, the noise of kid's talking got louder, telling Zero it was time to pack up their food and go outside. And they did just that, the two groups of kids trading places.

When outside, Zero walked into the field of grass that was surrounded by a track, most likely for Cross Country kids or those who just wanted to walk and talk. They laid down. Staring at the sky and watching Starscream closely. Suddenly he started barrel-rolling towards them, and then they realized it wasn't Starscream.. Laserbeak transformed out of the bottom of the jet, flying towards them.

They held out their hand for him to land on, "Hello Laserbeak, what's this?" They saw a little note in his jaws, he dropped it in their hand.

They opened it carefully, reading it.

"Hi! We at the Nemesis wanted to check on you, is school going good? Are you being bullied at all?" They read the note out loud, chuckling at it, "School has been fine so far, and no, I have not been bullied yet, though, there are rumors starting about me. I can survive them though." They smiled, scratching Laserbeak on the back of his head, even though he probably couldn't feel it. "Tell the Decepticons I say hi." They said, smiling as he flew away.

Suddenly the same group of girls from earlier came over, "What was that? Your little bird friend?" They all laughed.

"No, that was Laserbeak, a robotic bird that likes to eat little brats' eyes." They smiled, grabbing the note from Laserbeak and shoving it in their pocket. They stood up right as the bell rang, "Guess we have to go now." They smiled at the group and walked away.

Later, as the bell rang for bus riders rang, they stared out the window, watching as a jet flew towards the school. Their face grew red with embarrassment. They sighed, "Why of all Cons did it have to be Starscream?"

Zero, The Human DecepticonWhere stories live. Discover now