Chapter 5 - Injuries and Problems.

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Zero had joined the Decepticons close to the beginning of the war, or.. when the war came to Earth. They had no clue what would happen. They had no clue that they'd be allowed on missions. They had no clue they'd have a chance to see Cybertron.

They panted as they shot at the autobot in front of them. They dodged a blast, their eyes wide. They were simply reflecting on their life decisions as they fought. They froze as two more autobots had gathered around them. They took that moment to breathe, only to be shot at.

They dodged, honestly worn out. They aimed their shaky hand at the bot, shooting them and falling backwards, breathing heavily. They backed away the best they could as the autobots gained on them. They shot all they could, backing away, failing to gain a distance between them and the autobots.

"What is a human like you doing on the battlefield?" One of them asked, picking Zero up by the shirt. They aimed their gun at the bot's optic, shooting it. That made the autobots drop them with a yelp of pain.

They landed, standing up and running to a fellow decepticon. Climbing quickly onto their back and shooting any bots that tried flicking them away.

They took a moment to breathe, only to have an autobot shoot at them, landing a hit to their right eye. They yelped in pain as they fell backwards. Everything became black in a matter of seconds. They held their hand to their eye, forcing themself to carry on.

I WILL NOT BE DYING, I STILL HAVEN'T KILLED HIM! They thought, standing up shakily. They aimed their gun at the autobot who shot at them, ignoring the stinging on the right side of their face. They raced forward, transforming their gun into a sword.

They bounced from a Decepticon to the autobot, landing right on their chest plate. They dug their sword in between the plates, forcing it open. As quickly as they could, they shot the spark inside the bot. They shot it until the bot fell. They were suddenly as awake as ever.

They ran forward, shooting at the autobots until eventually they retreated. They stood there, panting like a dog, their face hurt. They were tired, tired enough to pass out right then and there.

They woke up with a groan, placing their arm over their eyes. They realized the right side of their face was.. spikier than before. They placed their hand on their chest, sitting up and looking around. They were in Shockwave's lab, half of their vision was a little.. red? They were confused.. what even happened?

They sighed, standing up, only to be urged back onto their aft by Knockout, "Ah, ah, ah, Zero, you need rest." He said, pushing them down with a single finger.

"I'll be fi-"

"Illogical, you will not be fine. Your right eye was basically melted by that autobot. You need time to get used to that new optic." Shockwave said, walking over.

"Why is it spiky though?" They asked, raising their one eyebrow left.

"Simple, Megatron requested that the space around your optic be spiked, similar to his shoulder plates, so that you two 'matched'." Knockout said, picking them up carefully. "Soundwave will be contacting your school about your condition, meanwhile, you will stay with me in the Medbay." He said, nodding a small "thanks" to Shockwave and walking towards the Medbay.

At the Medbay, he set them down on his desk, careful as to not hurt them. They rubbed their eyes, flinching as they realized their hands were also slightly different, "AH!" They looked at their middle fingers, they were a lighter metal, the lighter metal encased the entirety of their lower arm.

They stared for a moment before looking at Knockout, as if hearing the questions rushing through their mind, he said, "Your arms had also gotten damaged, ironically, your middle fingers fell off on the way back." He said, working on a Vehicon. They sighed, grabbing a datapad and doodling until they fell asleep.

Zero, The Human DecepticonWhere stories live. Discover now