Chapter 2 - Losing Limbs

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They hadn't even noticed that they fell asleep again until they woke up on the mech's chassis, as if they were a child snuggling with their parent. They sat up, looking at the resting con. Rubbing their eyes, they looked around, where was the food that Knockout had given them? They looked at the desk, it was still sitting there. How long were they asleep for? When did they sleep?

All of these questions came flooding to their head, they hadn't even realized the mech was awake until he sat up a little, making them slide into his servo. He held them up to his face, "How did you rest?" The blood-red gaze of Megatron was intimidating to them.. especially when they had just woken up.

"Good.. how long was I asleep for?" They asked, looking slightly worried.

"It has been nearly two earth days, fleshling. But that was expected, considering your condition." He stated, gazing at them tiredly.

"Do you mean me being unable to sleep for multiple nights in a row or the fact that I haven't had proper medical help for about 3 months?" They looked at the mech.

"Both of those combined." He stated, sliding his legs off of his berth. "You will be staying with me unless I go to battle. Understand?" He said, placing them on his shoulder.

"I understand," they said, getting comfortable on the mech's shoulder, "so I just stay here?" They asked.

"Yes." He said, getting up. They nearly slid off of him, but luckily saved themself. They watched as the halls flew past, zoning out until the mech sat in a throne, seemingly made for him.

Starscream walked up to the mech, "Hello, my liege, we- I have found a..." Zero zoned out again, not even listening to the bots anymore, until they were mentioned, "I see the fleshling is doing alright, have they healed at all?" Starscream asked, looking at Megatron.

"Yes, they have certainly healed. Why do you ask? You aren't related to them in any way, are you?" He asked coldly, Zero only looked at the thin mech in front of them.

"N-Not at all, my lord! I-I simply wanted to check on them." He stated, the fearful mech only looked at Zero, then to Megatron again, flinching at his leader's cold stare. "I-I will take my leave.." he said, walking away.

They stayed silent, that's how they were for the rest of the day, until they fell asleep on Megatron's shoulder. He carried them carefully in his servos to his berthroom, in case they weren't able to hold onto his shoulder plates. Once he got to his chamber, he set them down carefully on his desk, sitting down and working on some documents.

They woke up once again about 2 hours later, seeing the warlord's tired gaze focused on his work. "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" They asked, making the warlord turn towards them. They walked over to his arm, attempting to climb it.

"Yes, but being the leader of the Decepticons means I must stay up sometimes to do my work, since I don't have time during the day." He sighed, looking at them attempting to climb him arm, "Shouldn't you be resting still?" He asked, helping them onto his shoulder.

"Yeah, but sometimes my body decides 'HAHA FUCK YOUR SLEEP, WAKE UP BOZO'!" They said, moving their hand as if there was a puppet on it, which earned a small chuckle from the warlord, "You need sleep though, I can see your optics closing on their own." They said, poking the side of his face.

He sighed, "Maybe I do need recharge. Will you rest on the desk or will you continue to rest with me?" He asked solemnly.

"I'll try out the desk this time, rest well, Lord Megatron." They smiled.

"You as well, Zero." He nodded and walked to the berth, plopping onto it face-first and recharging almost right after.

They sat there for a moment, grabbing at the bag of food and chewing on some bread. Once they finished their bread they decided that they should try sleeping again, to which they were interrupted by the grunts of a man. They sped over to the edge of the desk, seeing a human climbing up the Cybertronians desk.

They called down to him quietly, "The hell are you doing here?" They asked.

"Saving you!" He called back, continuing his climb.

"What do you mean saving me?!" They whisper-yelled.

He finally got up to where they were, he towered over them. "I am saving you from that." He said, pointing to Megatron.

They looked to Megatron, then back to the random dude with a sword. "Sorry, but I'm staying where I am." They simply sat down where they were, glaring at the man.

"Why must you be so stubborn? Can't you see that that thing's a monster?" He asked, a little louder than before.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but Lord Megatron has been the reason I'm still alive. I will not be leaving." They partially lied about that.. but they'd do anything to get this dude away.

"Don't you have a family to go back to?!" He asked, even louder. They flinched at his loudness, gazing over at Megatron, then back to the man.

"No. They kicked me out simply because my gender is nothing and never will be anything. I am not a girl and I am not a boy." They crossed their arms.

The man pulled out a sword, "I really didn't want to have to do this but if you do not come with me I will simply have to cut off your limbs and carry you myself." He glared at them with a fiery passion.

"Then do it, I won't scream, I won't even care. I'll just wait to bleed out. I don't think you realize what you're working with, man." They glared back.

Little did either of them know, their talking had partially woken the Warlord up, after only seconds of falling asleep he was woken up by talking. He flipped over to see the man with his sword to their arm. His optics widened as he sliced their arm off. They didn't flinch. They barely even moved. He continued to their other arm, slicing it off as well. Then to their legs, until all of them were gone. Megatron had stood up quietly, standing behind the man who attempted to pick Zero up, only to be grabbed aggressively by the warlord.

"You come into my ship, attack my guest, and decide to try and steal them? I have had enough of you, fleshling!" He simply chucked the human to the ground, stomping on the man until he was a small red stain. He flipped around to Zero who was half-awake at this point.

He simply called Knockout through his COMMs, "Please meet us at the Medbay." He said, picking them up carefully and walking away towards the Medbay.

"Megatron, will I die?" They asked quietly.

"No." He stated.

"Well fuck.." they mumbled with a tired chuckle. "Can I at least sleep?" They asked.

"No, not yet, at least." He said, walking into the Medbay calmly. He placed them on a medical berth as KO walked in, surprised to see them in their condition. He quickly grabbed supplies to help them, "I will be back in the morning. Inform shockwave that they are in need of new limbs, and treat them as if they were a fellow decepticon." He said sternly, angered by the, now dead, human. He walked out of the Medbay, walking back towards his room.

Zero woke up the next day, confused as to where they were. The night before was a blur. They flinched upwards as they remembered their limbs getting cut off. They stumbled backwards with a grunt.

"Woah, take it easy, fleshling." Knockout's voice made their head flip towards him. "You need rest. Shockwave is already working on your new limbs." He said, working on a Vehicon. He shooed the Vehicon away, walking towards them..

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