Chapter 9 - what happened?

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All they saw was darkness.

At least, until those purple optics appeared.

"Outis, my child. What has happened to you?" They could feel something brush against their cheek, most likely this beings digit.

"What..?" They stared at the optics, mouth opened slightly.

"You will understand eventually, Outis. For now, you rest, and rest well you shall, Zero."

They flinched awake, sitting up hastily, only to wince. Their torso was in pain, but it was.. bandaged? Zero looked around, "Where in the living hell.." they mumbled, studying the base that was certainly not the Nemesis.

"You are awake." The deep voice of Optimus Prime sounded nearby. They flinched at the sound, their head flipping towards the mech.

"..." they stared at the Prime for a moment, "Did you kidnap me?"

"I would not consider it 'kidnapping'.." said the Prime.

"You were impaled by a rock and left to bleed out by Starscream." The autobot medic said, typing away at his computer.

"..Should've guessed," they crossed their arms, "he is the type of mech to do that." They looked at Optimus, "Though, I doubt Megatron will be happy about this.. once I'm fully healed I think it would be logical to send me back."

"Like frag we're sending you back! The Nemesis is too dangerous for human children." The femme said, stepping into the open space.

"..I lost my limbs to a rando and got my eye melted by one of you 'bots! I think I'll survive the Nemesis." They rolled their eye. "Plus, that's where I've been for about 3 years now, I'm pretty sure I know it better than any Vehicon that exists."

The medic looked at them, "And how exactly did the decepticons find you?"

"I was living in a Junkyard since May kicked me out, Starscream and Knockout had found me while looking for an energon signal nearby." They explained, lying back down and placing their hands behind their head. "They found it interesting how I knew his name, and also the fact that I called him 'Lord Megatron' instead of Megatron." They shrugged.

The medic just stared for a moment before rolling his optics and turning back to his work.

"So how long will I stay here?" They asked the Prime, tilting their head as they looked at him.

"A while."



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