Chapter 7 - Fucking kidnapped

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⚠️ Again, mentions of possible abuse, read with caution! ⚠️

They were wandering around the mall, getting anything they really needed. Knockout had dropped them off, but they just knew that he ran off to a race.

They sighed, getting the last thing they needed and leaving. They passed by an alleyway, not thinking anything of it, that was, until they were pulled into it. They yelped, dropping their shit and getting their mouth covered.. they nearly gasped once they realized it was chloroform. They felt sleepier, the giggles of the woman behind them fading away.

They woke up, flinching as they felt tight chains around their ankles. They sat up, looking around.

"Shit..." they mumbled as they recognized their old room.

"Well, look who's awake." A familiar voice said.

They looked towards her, eyes wide. They tensed as they stared at her. "May." They mumbled with a glare.

"Oh, Claire, that isn't what you call your mother." She smirked at them.

"That's what I call a bitch who chains her children to a bed!" They tried lunging at her, only to be stopped by the chain around their ankle. "Why shouldn't I just shoot you?"

She giggled, "You can't, I disabled your weird arm blasters." They flinched.

"..How exactly?"

"By ripping them out of your arms." They looked at their arms, seeing the gaping holes in their arms and realizing just how much it hurt. They looked back at her.

"You'll regret this."

"How so?"

"Just wait and see. If my father won't kill you, I will." They glared at her.

"Your 'father'? Sweetie, you killed him a couple days ago."

"NO! I am not talking about John. I am talking about Megs, I am talking about someone who actually CARES ABOUT MY HEALTH!"

"Honey, we care about your health, you just don't realize it."

They froze, "Really? YOU CALL CHAINING YOUR CHILDREN TO BEDS CARING ABOUT THEIR HEALTH?! I AM JUST SO SICK AND TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR ILLOGICAL BRAIN!" They yelled, pointing at her. "YOU are the reason I lived in a JUNKYARD! YOU are the reason I never came back!" They held their hands to their head, "LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET OUT OF MY LIFE!"

Meanwhile, cons on the Nemesis were.. scared, to say the least. Megatron was pissed that what the cons called his "adopted child" got kidnapped. If looks could kill, he wouldn't have an army anymore.

He ordered Soundwave to find them, or to at least see who took them.

He was like that for the entire week they were gone.

While Megatron was being a grey ball of pure anger, Zero was stuck in bed. They hadn't eaten anything they were given, regardless of the fact that they'd get tazed every time they didn't obey. They were so sore.. so full of pain.

One night, their window had been opened. Why? They didn't know, and frankly, they didn't care. They looked at the glowing moon, their body numb and their face expressionless. At least, until they saw a familiar drone flying around.

Their eyes widened, this could be their escape! They started frantically yelling for Laserbeak, sobbing as they screamed at the top of their lungs.

Laserbeak seemed to notice and flew closer.

"LASERBEAK! IN HERE! PLEASE, IT'S ZERO!" They fell off the bed, their robotic leg forced upwards because of the chains. The bird seemed to hear their name and fly faster. He landed in the window with a small thud, "Please.. please just get someone to get me out of here! I don't care if it's Screamer or a simple Vehicon, it's literal hell here, and I want out!" They sobbed.

"Please.. be fast, I don't want to be tazed again!" Their sobbing increased.

The bird nodded, pausing for a moment before flying over next to them. He informed Soundwave that he'd be staying with Zero, sending the silent Mech the coordinates to his location soon after.

The bird sat there next to the child, letting them sob into his wing. He looked out the window, seeing a jet fly by. He took this as a sign to go break their chains, which was surprisingly hard.

Both of them turned their heads to the sound of transforming, Zero's face lit up. Laserbeak just looked for a moment before turning back to what he was doing. The chain broke with a snap and Laserbeak quickly tried helping the kid to their feet. They limped towards the window, seeing Soundwave outside. He held out his servo carefully.

"SOUNDWAVE!" They said, sobs escaping them as they basically fell onto the con's servo. They hugged one of his digits tightly, still sobbing. They hadn't even noticed that they went through a groundbridge. They were placed in the servo of someone else, they looked up, vision blurred with tears, to see Megatron.

"DAD!" They said, nearly falling off his servo. He carefully pushed them into his palm, letting them hug his digit and cry all they wanted. Their sobbing slowed down and their eye slowly closed, they were asleep.

They flinched awake the next day, partially thinking that they were still with May. They slowed their breathing as they looked around. Zero froze when they saw what looked like a random old guy sitting in a chair nearby.

"AH!" They backed away from him, waking him up.

"WHAT? WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL?" That voice was familiar..

"..Megatron?" They tilted their head.


They exhaled, "You scared the living shit out of me-"

"First of all, language. Second of all, you didn't recognize my holoform?"

"No, my brain's still recovering from.. May..."

"So that's her name. Soundwave gave me the coordinates to that place and I'm going to personally blow it up later."

"Ok.." they almost laid back down.. "Wait.. YOU'RE WHAT?" They shot back up, staring at Megatron with pure confusion.

"Simple, I am going to blow up your biological family so you don't have any more run-ins with them." He said with a small smirk.

They paused before sighing in relief. "You have no clue how much that warms my heart, Da-" they cleared their throat in a panic, "Megatron." They corrected, their face red with embarrassment.

He chuckled, "Well, you aren't leaving the Nemesis for a while, I know that for sure. You will stay here and rest, I will have Knockout come check on you from time to time." He stood up, "Now, time to blow up a house." He said with a smirk, "Goodbye for now, Zero, and make sure to rest." He said before walking away.

Nearly an hour later, Zero groaned as boredom ate away at their brain. "When will Knockout get here?" They fake-sobbed.

"Jeez, impatient much?" The cherry red mech said, walking up to them.

"Nah, just bored to the pits." They sighed, sitting up.

"Well, I can allow you to have a datapad to draw on, or maybe you'd like to read something?" He suggested.

They hummed, "Sure."


It may be a bit until I update next- school's starting soon :(

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