Chapter 12 - The beginning of the end

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The last tying they could remember was watching the cybertronians leave, everything else was simply a blur.

And those purple optics haunted their dreams.

The horned human stood at the edge of the cliff, memories of the human of which they used to be flooding into their mind.

They were no longer human, no longer Zero, no longer a favored techno-organic.

Not anymore.

They looked at their seemingly regrown arm, their lower arms were seemingly made of some type of crystal. The same crystal that made up the three horns on their head. Two stabbing out of the sides and curling upwards, one curving upwards from their forehead.

The crystals were purple, like the single gems that were trapped in their palms.

Those little crystals caused this.. but what exactly was it?

Dark energon.

The blood of their Sire.

The blood of Unicron.

They looked out to the city, whispers of their purpose flowing into their brain.

"Soon they will see the wrath of the Chaos Bringer's child." They said out loud, turning their head to look at the dragon behind them. "You'd know what it's like, wouldn't you," Outis turned towards them, "Nobody."

The dragon struggled, their legs encapsulated in crystals, much like the one slowly corrupting Outis' body.

"You know exactly what our plans are, you know what's going to happen to humanity." Their purple eye simply stared at the grey-ish predacon.

"You don't need to do this, Zero!" Nobody tried, coolant rolling down their cheeks.

"I do need to do this, and you'll be the perfect sacrifice to start it all off." They took a few steps, their claws itching to start killing.

"NO! This isn't you, Zero!" The predacon only struggled more, resulting in the crystals climbing up their legs.

"This has always been me, I just chose to reveal my true intentions now." Outis placed their claw at the center of Nobody's neck.

"OUTIS-!" Nobody tried again, only to choke on their own energon. Outis looked at the voice box in their hand.

"Such a shame. Do I have to encapsulate your body too, or will you stay still?"

Nobody simply stared at them before giving up.

"Good dragon." They dropped the voice box, carefully carving something into the predacons neck. Watching carefully as purple crept throughout the cracks in Nobody's body.

Watching as they offlined, dark energon, or something like it, leaking out of said cracks.

Watching as the predacon broke down, rusting as if time sped up.

"Goodbye, Nobody, and thank you for helping me start my little apocalypse." A crystal sprouted where the predacon was, marking the start of something terrible. Outis turned towards the city, spikes of shimmering purple sprouting behind them.

"May the crystals spread."

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