Chapter 4 - More School

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A week later, it was a normal morning, they got dressed and got ready for school, but there was a question lingering in their mind.

"Hey, Lord Megatron?"

"Yes, Zero?" He asked, raising an optic ridge.

"Will I ever be able to skip school for missions?" They asked, watching the mech for any odd reactions. They had been on missions before, not dangerous ones though.

He sighed, "Maybe, if you are needed, for now, you go to school like normal." He said calmly, handing them to Knockout, who was holding their lunch.

"Alright, bye Lord Megatron, bye Soundwave!" They said, waving at the two.

At school, they said their goodbyes to KO, "Alright, and who's picking me up later?" They asked, looking at his holoform.

He chuckled, "It's a surprise." They smiled in a "you've gotta be kidding me" way.

They sighed, slightly worried, "Alright, I'll see ya later Knockout."

"See you later, Zero." He drove away.

They walked into school with a sigh, they plopped down at their usual spot on the bleachers. They were talking to themself until someone sat next to them.

They looked next to them, "Hello!" He said.

"Uh.. hi? Why did you decide to sit with me?" They raised an eyebrow curiously.

"You looked lonely, I thought you could use a friend." He smiled.

"Uh, I have plenty of friends outside of school, they're just what you'd least expect.."

"You could use one more!" He said, still smiling.

"Oh really? I'm surprised you aren't questioning my robotic limbs.." he paused, looking at their arm.

"WOAH! COOL!" He said with a laugh, grabbing their arm carefully. Just then, the bell rang. They stood up and walked away, anxiety stirring in their stomach.

Today they had to present to their history class about Cybertron. They may sound insane but they didn't care.

They sighed as their name was called, they walked in front of the class placing their materials down and walking over to a window and opening it.

"Why do you need the window open?" Some random kid asked.

"For my friend," they said walking back to the front of the class, "Hello, I am Zero and today I will be teaching you about what's currently going on in our world." They started the presentation about the recent government officials spotted near Jasper, Laserbeak flew into the room at some point, landing carefully on their head.

"And this, ladies and gentlemen, is my friend." They reached up to pet the bird before finishing their presentation. They sat down at their desk, Laserbeak landing in front of them. "Did I do good?" They asked the bird quietly, knowing he was watching from afar, to which he nodded. They smiled then looked to whoever was going next.

The bratty girl who had been bothering them for the past week walked up, smiling and introducing herself. Zero didn't pay attention until she mentioned autobots. They sat up, listening. Laserbeak was on their shoulder, probably recording it all.

"Apparently both sides of Cybertronians have at least 1 human working with them." She looked at them, "I think we already know who one of them is." She smiled smugly at them, only to have the bell ring in the middle of her presentation.

"You can finish tomorrow, Becca, have a good day everyone!" The teacher said as students left the room.

They were stuck with Laserbeak until lunch, they sighed, laying in the little field. "You should go back to the Nemesis, Laserbeak, who knows what people will do if they see me with a Cybertronian bir-" suddenly they were kicked in the side, "Ow.. rude much?" They asked looking up at the girl called Becca. Laserbeak started aggressively flapping his wings at her, messing up her hair and overall being annoying.

He flew over to them as they sat up, "What do you want?"

"To know what side you're on." She glared at them.

"That is none of your concern." They looked at their bird friend, "Laserbeak, go back home. If I can survive getting my limbs cut off by a random dude I can survive being kicked in the side." They pet the bird's head, to which he made it look like he sighed. Flapping his wings, he flew away.

"He's a pretty thing, isn't he?" They asked, watching the bird fly away.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. What side are you on?" She demanded.

"Nunya." They said, walking towards the school as the bell rang.

Later, in their last class, they were called to the office. They were apparently leaving.. interesting.

They walked into the office with their stuff, only to pause, seeing Megatron's holoform, "Lo- I mean, Megs, hello." They smiled walking awkwardly up to him.

He nodded a hello, "Come on, there is something I would like to show you." He said walking out of the office. They followed him to his alt mode, they hopped in, slightly excited and slightly scared.

"I thought it would be nice to show you an energon mine, for future missions." He said calmly through the radio.

"Oh! Alright!" They smiled.


I know, this chapter was short, but the next one will be longer, I promise! :D

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