Chapter 8 - Oh shit.

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APOLOGIES FOR THE WAIT! School's a bitch 🕺
Anyways! ENJOY!

It had been a couple of weeks and they were allowed to go on missions again, just with the supervision of one of the higher-ups on the Nemesis. They were on a mission with Starscream.

Zero rolled their eyes as they walked into the energon mine, Starscream babbling on about how he was stuck with Zero.

"Out of all the cons," they walked over to a wall to lean on, "why did it have to be screamer?" They groaned, lightly banging the back of their head on the wall behind them.

The mech glared at them for a moment before walking away, probably to boss around the poor vehicons.

I wish something interesting would happen. They thought, and indeed, something interesting happened.

The autobots appeared a moment later, "Not what I meant, damned universe!" They whisper-yelled, running behind some vehicons to attempt to attack with their arm blasters. "WOAH- SHIT!" They dodged an Autobot blast.

"Optimus! There's a human!" The enemy femme said, looking at her leader.

Zero's blood ran cold, would they try to kidnap them? They shook their head, I won't allow that! They shot the femme square in the faceplates, not enough to harm her, but enough to make her rethink what she said.

Zero ran away, to a small hidey-hole they had in the mine. The small entrance was getting closer and closer, stalactites and spikes poking out of the ground, outlining the small entrance.

They paused for a moment, looking at the bots. They didn't know why they did. They weren't thinking. A blast in front of them made them fly backwards, a nice crunch following.

They winced as pain shot through their torso. They looked down, eye wide with fear. A stalactite stabbed straight through them. "Oh fuck.." they looked up at the battle, watching as their vision faded to black. Was this their end? Would they join their sister in the afterlife? They watched Starscream panic in the distance as everything became black.

Is this Zero's end? You'll just have to wait and see 🕺💃🕺💃


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