Chapter 6 - Meeting people from the past

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⚠️ There are mentions of possible abuse and/or being beat up, read with caution! ⚠️

Knockout had taken them to some random street race. They sighed as he went to do his own thing, they leaned against a wall, not really interested in races. That was until they heard a familiar voice..

"I still can't believe your sister hasn't come back begging for us to take her back in!" Their dad said as he walked by, followed by their older brothers. He looked them up and down, mumbling about how much of a freak they were as he walked away.

They waited patiently for Knockout to finish his race. They knew the general direction of their dad. They knew what they wanted to do to him.

Images of the gore that they'd hoped would be left flashed into their mind as they leaned on the wall with their eyes closed. They smiled slightly, only to have the holoform of Knockout lean next to them.

"What's making you smile so much?" He asked, looking at them.

"Just the thought of my fathers demise." They said with a smile, looking up at the sky, stars splattered around the dark canvas of night. "We should head back.."

"I guess we should." He said, wandering back to his alt mode.

They took a moment before catching up to him, catching nasty glances from their past family. They sighed, stopping to glare at the three people scowling at them. Knockout noticed their sudden pause, looking in the direction they were looking in. They sighed, walking back to Knockout as their dad's glare tickled at their back.

They got into Knockouts alt form calmly, his holoform soon followed. "Old friends?" He asked, driving away.

"No, old.. family." They looked downwards.

"The ones that left you to rot in a Junkyard?" He asked, slightly concerned.

"Yeah.." they could feel tears forming at the edges or their eyes but they quickly blinked them away. They would not look like a weakling in front of one of the bots that protected them. They sighed, "They were a terrible family, and all I want is for-" they were cut off by yelling outside. They turned their attention to the window and what stood outside.

There was their father, with their brothers halfway out the windows yelling curses. Knockout took their angered expression as a sign to speed up, but before he could, they spoke up, "Don't. Pull over. I'd like to have a word with them." They glared out the window as Knockout pulled over, the car next to them halted.

They got out, leaning on the side of Knockouts alt mode. "What do you want?" They asked, glaring at the boys as they hopped out of their own car.

"Only to see my daughter again." Their father said with a smile.

"Sorry, wrong person." They shrugged, waving him off. He paused, still smiling.

"Now, I know that voice from anywhere. Come back home, we miss you Cl-" he was cut off by a blast next to him.

"That was a warning." They said, their gun pointed at the man. Knockout's holoform hopped out of the car, walking over to try and calm down his friend.

"My, my, you got some technology there, Cla-" they shot again, this time with both blasters.

"Say that name one more time and you may not have arms." They said, completely ignoring the fact that their brothers were getting closer.

"Zero.." Knockout mumbled, turning their attention to their brothers.

They sighed, "Call Megs, maybe Star. I'll deal with these bozo's in the meantime." They stood up straight, transforming their blasters back into their arms. "I'll show them that I don't need a gun to kill them." They glared at the man in front of them as he burst out laughing.

"Y-You? Killing me??" He said in between laughs. He got himself together, "Sorry, honey, you aren't beating me with your brothers around." He smiled at them as they walked up to him.

"Watch me." They said, suddenly whirling around to punch their brother right in the face. "I may have been weak and fleshy back then but.." they paused to trip their other brother, "I have had training. I have killed things you would never be able to." They looked at their dad, "You are no longer a 'father', John." They turned to him, "You are a monster." They readied their fists, "Now.. COME AT ME!"

The two had been fighting for a while, about 20 minutes they assumed. The sound of a jet caught their attention. They still fought back, making sure to listen as the footsteps of a holoform came closer.

Their father got a good punch to the face. "That's for letting me rot in a junkyard." They crouched down in front of him, they started to punch him as hard as they could.


"That's for chaining me to the bed!" They got louder, their punches increasing.


"That's for killing off any chances for me to get friends!"


"THAT'S FOR KILLING MY SISTER!" They punched harder.


They continued on and on about what he had done, Megatron and Knockout watching. They blinked tears away as they continued.

"THIS IS FOR BEING A TERRIBLE DAD!" They said, landing one last punch to the limp body in front of them. They sat there for a moment, breathing heavily. They got up, aimed their arm at the body in front of them. "And this.." they said, transforming their blaster out, "is for making monsters out of your children." They shot the man, watching blankly as his head seemingly exploded. They turned around, looking at their unconscious brothers.

"And this is for being the monsters he made you." They shot their brothers, both at the same time. Tears fell from their eyes, but they ignored them. They ignored the slight bruising on their hands. They walked towards Megatron and Knockout, failing to stand once close enough.

Both of the mechs had crouched down to comfort them as they sobbed, Knockout being more efficient than the mech next to him. They sobbed their heart out, clinging onto one of the mechs. They hadn't known which one, and frankly, they didn't care. Their sobbing slowed, so did their breathing, until they were asleep, clinging onto one of the mechs.

"Knockout, call for a groundbridge." The leader said, his holoform's hand on the back of the kid in front of him. He carefully picked them up, walking towards his alt mode. His holorform had now disappeared and they were laying on the "hood" of the warlord's alt mode. He transformed, making sure they didn't get crushed at all.

At the Nemesis, Zero was placed in their own little corner of Megatron's berthroom. He had prepared it earlier that day, after almost a year of them sleeping on the hard desk or on his metal chassis. They slept peacefully on the mattress placed in the corner of the room as the mech worked on ordering his troops around in the throne room.

They curled into themself, a nightmare. A memory of what happened before, of everything John had done to them. They flinched upwards, panting. They put their hand to their head with a sigh, "It's alright.. he's dead now, you completed the goal you always wanted to complete." They said, curling their legs to their chest with a sigh. They hadn't even noticed the door open..

They then realized that they were on a mattress. SINCE WHEN DID THEY HAVE A MATTRESS? They looked around, slightly worried that they had been retrieved by the rest of their family, only to see the dark walls of the Nemesis. They sighed as relief washed over them. They got up, dusting themself off before attempting to walk away. They only flinched away from a servo that landed next to them. They looked up at the mech in front of them.

"You are supposed to be resting." Megatron said as he lightly pushed them onto their aft. "Go back to sleep."

They gulped, "H-How long were you sitting there..?"

"Long enough to hear you talk about your life long goal of killing that fleshling." He said, crossing his arms. "What exactly did he do to you to make you so angry?" He asked, now curious. More about their anger than what John did..

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