Chapter 10 - Those Purple Optics.

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They were asleep again, back to the endless void of dreams.

But they were back.

Those purple optics were back.

"Outis, my child, how I wish I could've stayed with you longer."

They froze, he was with them at some point?

They looked up at the optics, "Who are you?"

Whoever it was, they paused. "Did May not inform you that John was my replacement?"

Their eyes widened, wait.. EYES? They had both eyes? They had their limbs? I mean.. it was a dream world, anything could happen...


They looked up at the being, "What..?"

"Simple, I am your biological father." The optics shifted into a man, one they had seen in pictured but only assumed was an old friend. His dark hand landed on their cheek carefully, "Oh how I missed you both, how many years has it been? 15? Oh, my child, how I wish I was still able to be with you." He placed his hand on their shoulders, holding them carefully.

"Wha..." they paused, staring at him. "W-What's your name then? M-May must've mentioned you at some point.."

"I.." he paused, taking a deep breath, "I am.. Ulises, I fear that if I reveal my true name, you will fear me."

"I-" They heard noises around them, sounds of crystals breaking or scraping against rock. They looked around, seeing purple crystals sprout around them. "What the.."

"A symbol of stress, you must wake up now, Outis. May we speak again once more."

They flinched awake again, sitting up like they had the last time. They looked around, No crystals.. good. They thought, sighing.

"What was that all about?" Miko asked, sitting on the yellow couch in the "human zone", as Zero called it.

They sent a glare her way, "None of your business. My dreams are personal information that I will only share with people I trust."

"Uh-huh... then explain why you were mumbling about purple optics." She responded, sassily.


"You had a dream about purple optics?" Ratchet asked, turning to the human with concern on his faceplates.

"Uh- Maybe?"

"What do you mean maybe?"

"I mean I'm unsure whether it was a dream or not.."

The mech paused, staring at the techno-organic. "Did the optics mention any names?"

"Only Outis, which is what it seems to call me, and Ulises, what it calls itself."

"Ulises kinda sounds like Unicron." Miko added.

"Ulises sounds nothing like Unicron." Zero glared at her.


I stared at Zero, concerned for their safety. If they had Unicron in their head, who knows what could happen?

I had to tell Optimus.

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