Chapter 11 - Stuck

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Zero stretched, they had been with the autobots for almost a year now. They'd heard stories of how aggressive Megatron had become in their disappearance, part of it worried them.

These 'bot's that had saved them could easily get hurt by the hands of someone they trusted. Someone they saw as a father.

Yet part of them wished the autobots got harmed.

That part of them wanted to go home.

Yes, they were still healing and the Nemesis probably wouldn't be safest, but they missed the 'cons.

They missed Megatron, Knockout..

Even Starscream.

As they looked around the berthroom they had gotten used to, they could feel an emptiness within them, as if their metal torso wasn't empty enough. Sometime during their absence on the Nemesis, Shockwave had made a metallic torso plate for them.

It was like armor, but specifically made in case their heart failed or got fatally injured. What it would do is pump energon into their bloodstream.

Who thought that was a good idea?

Zero sighed, getting up fully and walking over to the railing that refused to let them fall multiple times. They leaned on it, staring around their guardians berthroom.

Their guardian seemingly appeared, holding out his servo for them to slide onto.

They hopped onto his servo, landing with a small thud. Zero looked up at him with a small glare.

"Optimus." They grumbled.

"Zero." He said, lightly glaring back. Optimus walked out of his berthroom, most likely heading to the main base, where he would set them on the couch in the human area. They sighed, watching the walls seemingly fly by as the mech walked.

Just as they had expected, they were placed on the couch, where they curled into a ball. "I'm going back to sleep, wake me if you need anything." Their only response was a grumble from Ratchet, they fell asleep a minute later.

They were shaken awake by a familiar hand, "Miko what in hell do you need..?" They grumbled, sitting up to glare at the girl.

"You just missed a lot!" She said.


"Well, the bots were out and about and they witnessed Unicron, so they were doing their thing and MEGATRON SHOWED UP! So they made an alliance to defeat Unicron and now Optimus is on the Nemesis and think's he's a decepticon!" She explained, quite excitedly.

Zero was silent for a moment, "How long have I been sleeping?"

"Oh you've been asleep since yesterday." She smiled.

"And none of you felt the need to wake me up?"

"Nope!" Miko said.

"We couldn't risk you going with them and escaping." Ratchet added.

"Yeah, whatever, the next time I go to school, I'm running away from you all." Zero said, glaring at the alien robots behind Miko.

"And we'll just chase you down." Arcee said, crossing her arms.

"Whatever." They rolled their eyes.

Deep down inside them, they knew something was off about this.

Almost as if it was simply a memory.

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