Oh God

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~~~Grian POV~~~

I opened my eyes hoping I was still in front of the fireplace with Scar, the same place I was when I fell asleep. Sadly, I was not, I was in my room alone. I checked the time. 7am, great. I felt sad that Scar had left but I got out of bed and headed into the kitchen to see already cooked food and a note, I stared at the food confused then walked over to read the note, I picked up the note and wasn't all that surprised that it was from Scar.

Dear Cookie,

Sorry I had to leave but I had to feed Jellie,
so as an apology gift, I made you breakfast!
I don't know what you're favorite food is,
so I made a lot... If you have extra I'll eat
some later when I come back!

-Your dearest friend


I smiled at the letter and sat it back down, then I sat down to eat as much as the food I could. I didn't want to waste the food Scar had made, as he had probably cooked this for almost an hour. Once I was finished, I put the rest in the fridge for later.

I decided I would get more wood for builds, as there were still a bunch of grouped up trees, I started chopping one by one down until my inventory was full, I had to pick up another stack so I put my sword on the ground whilst I ran inside to put the wood up, when I returned my gaze fell onto a zombie in full golden enchanted armor, holding my sword.

"What the hell-" I was cut off by the zombie starting to charge at me. "OH CRAP!" I ran further into the woods terrified and confused, how the hell?! What the hell!? It nearly hit me and I kept running. "OH GOD, PLEASE I DON'T WANT TO DIE TO A ZOMBIE!!" I screamed with a giggle at how ridiculous this would've sounded to anyone in earshot.

I ran until I found Scar's base and I aggressively knocked until it opened and I jumped inside and he closed the door behind me, I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath from screaming and running, Scar turned to me confused after shutting the door.

"Uh, are you okay?" He asked walking over to me and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"A zombie stole my sword, and chased me here, so. Just peachy." I replied with a chuckle then stood up straight and staring into his emerald green eyes.

He looked at me confused. "A zombie what?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Look outside, it's probably there." I responded, crossing my arms, Still very out of breath.

He walked to his window confused then he started laughing when he looked out. "You weren't lying!" He continued laughing. I chuckled a bit because it was kind of embarrassing to be chased by a zombie.

"Can I wait here until it de-spawns? I'm terrified of that thing." I asked with a giggle.

"Sure! Also how was breakfast? Did you like it?" He responded looking hopeful.

"I didn't like it; I loved it! It was honestly the best breakfast I've ever had." I replied sitting on the couch with a smile, I realized Scar looked sad at the bigging of the sentence but looked relieved at the end and sat to the right of me. Jellie soon joining us, by laying on my left.

I stroked the cat and smiled softly. How is her fur always so soft? I thought to myself and looked at the cat in awe. I felt Scar place his hand on top of mine, then he turned on the TV. I looked at our hands as he rubbed circles into mine, I couldn't help but smile. I picked Jellie up with my free hand and set her in my lap as I leaned into Scar, and rested my head on his shoulder like last night. He ended up playing a random horror movie he saw.

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