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-Grian POV-

"Taurtis..? Sam..?" I questioned as I pushed my way to the front to see clearer.

"Grian!" Taurtis shouted as he immediately jumped up and hugged me. "It's been to long! Hi!"

"Hi Taurtis." I whispered as I hugged him back with a weak smile. "Sam."

Sam had a look of terror, regret, and sadness all bunched together, he looked between me and his hands and took a few steps back.

"I- I didn't- Grian I-" He took a few more steps back and I noticed the tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry I- I just-" He bursted out as his tears fell and he turned and ran.

Me and Taurtis looked at each other as we let go of the hug and we started running after him, almost at the edge of the woods I stopped and turned around and everyone was looking at us weirdly and I could easily spot Scar in the front with a confused expression much like the rest, I ran back over to him and gave him a quick kiss then continued my pursuit.

-Scar POV-

What just happened..? I was beyond confused and I knew everyone else was too.

"Erm, so, that wasn't the welcome I expected." The other new member said hesitantly.

"So uhh, just introduce yourself and we'll figure all that stuff out later." X muttered.

"Okay- uh, hi, I'm Martyn, I love making aha jokes." Martyn shrugged.


"The red king! The king is dead!"

What the heck- never mind.

"What's an 'aha joke'?" Zed asked.

"Oh boy, you shouldn't have ahasked." Martyn replied.

There was a mix of groans and laughs throughout the crowd making Martyn grin.

I stared at where Grian ran off, I was beyond confused on what happened. I guess I zoned out because I jumped a bit when someone put their hand on my shoulder, I turned around and it was Cub.

"Don't worry about him to much, he'll be fine. But if you are really worried we can follow him." He said with a small smile.

"We?" I questioned and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I want in on the drama! Plus we're brothers, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't help you? A bad one. I'm not bad, so I'm gonna help!" He replied happily.

"Really?" I sighed face palming.

"Yep! Now come on!" He said grabbing my wrist and dragging me after them.

-Grian POV-

I eventually caught up to Taurtis and I was already out of breath and using my wings to boost me every once in a while. And after a long bit of running we finally found Sam curled up in a ball crying, and in a cave that looks like a mouth.

Truth (GoodTimesWithScar x Grian)Where stories live. Discover now