✨ Friend's Plot✨

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•Cub POV•

Where is this man when you need him!- Probably at his base working on some maniacal Redstone contraption. I sighed knowing he probably lost track of time or forgot. I strapped on my elytra and took off towards Mumbo's base, landing only thirty minutes later. As I reached to knock I stopped and retracted my hand covering my mouth so I didn't laugh as I had heard non-pg sounds from inside, aka Moans. I crossed my free arm across my stomach as I tried not to laugh, I was using every fiber in my being to not burst out laughing.

I knocked three times, no answer, I knocked a little louder, still no answer, I sighed and just full on banged on the door then everything went full silent. Just a few seconds later there was a lot of commotion from inside then everything went silent again then finally the door opened revealing a sweaty Mumbo Jumbo in a green hoodie and black sweat pants. I grinned at him and he looked at me with embarrassment in his eyes.

"For someone who's good at Redstone, your wall proofing sucks." I joked and he looked down, I just laughed as he opened the door enough for me to enter which I did and I sat on the couch. "Why so embarrassed? First time getting caught?"

"Fuck you." He replied in a dried voice. Just then Iskall entered with a smirk on their face, making me chuckle slightly.

"Usually I'd say 'fuck you too' but Iskall already has that covered." I responded pointing at the swede with a grin, making Iskall chuckle as well and Mumbo cover his face as he basically fell into the chair beside the couch making me laugh.

"I swear to god if you don't stop-" "Okay okay, I'll stop." I said cutting Mumbo off, still smiling.

"The only reason I'm here is because you said you'd meet me at my base but you never showed up, don't worry my mouth is sealed about that." I chuckled as Mumbo slightly moved his hand out of his face to look at me.

"I forgot about that, I'm so sorry." He responded guiltily.

I shook my head, "not as sorry as I am for ruining your "quality time."" I replied with air quotes and a mischievous grin.

"Eh, there's always later." Iskall spoke up with the same mischievous grin as me.

Mumbo just groaned and culled into a ball bringing his knees to his chest, then holding up a hand to Both me and Iskall. "Both of you stop." He said before wrapping his arms around his legs.

This just made me and Iskall laugh more, Mumbo continued to sit in awkward silence. We stopped laughing after a few minutes then Mumbo finally spoke up.

"You done? Great, what business did you want to talk about? And don't you fucking dare, make a joke." Mumbo said now sitting crisscross glaring at me.

I held in laugh and decided to not die today by not saying "The business in the bedroom."

"Alright, alright, I was thinking about playing match maker." I responded with a grin.

"Oh god, not you two. Who are the unlucky people?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Scar, and Grian." I replied still grinning.

"Nevermind, what's the plan?" Mumbo responded making me chuckle slightly.

"Why do I always get trapped in these situations?" Iskall questioned themselves also taking a seat on the far end of the couch closer to Mumbo.

600 words on the dot wtf? Cool
Ig, hope your enjoying the
book, the ships, and as well as
typical funny friend Cub :D

Remember to drink water and
eat REAL food, my children.
Ily all, take care, sorry for
late update, (it's totally not
12:13 in the morning nope.)

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