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-Grian POV-

"Can you tell me where we're going yet?" I asked with a giggle as Scar led me through a forest and dragging me along by my hand. "I need to be sure Taurtis won't burn my house down!"

"Nope! I wanna show you what I found, and I want it to be a surprise! And I'm sure it'll be fineee!" He responded with a smile.

"Alright alright, whatever you say!" I said rolling my eyes with a smile of my own.

We continued walking for about 12 more minutes and Scar started slowing down.

"Okay, are you ready to see my amazing find?" Scar questioned happily as he turned back to me and stopped walking completely.

"As ready as I can be!" I replied with a little chuckle.

"Alrighty then! Prepare to be amazed!" He exclaimed then stepped to the side revealing a giant azalea tree covered in all kinds of flowers.

My mouth dropped open slightly as I looked up to try and see the top, Scar laughed a little at my amazement before again dragging me towards the tree. He took out an adventure knife and carved a heart into the tree, I smiled and took the knife from him and carved our initials inside of it with a plus. I handed him back his knife and he immediately put it away.

"Wanna try to climb it?" I asked looking up at the branches.

"I don't see why not!" Scar replied happily.

We smiled at each other and began attempting to climb the absurdly tall tree. After a few minutes I found a decent sized branch and sat on it, I took a breath as I looked out, you could see where the sun would set and plus a lake not far away right under where it would be.

"So, do you like it?" Scar asked sitting down beside me.

"Of course I do, It's beautiful." I responded, still breath taken by the view.

It fell into silence again with the occasional birds chirping every now and again, I smiled softly and let my head fall onto Scar's shoulder with a content hum.

Scar wrapped his arm around me and used the other hand to play with my hair. Everytime I'm with him I always feel safer and happier, I'm happy with how everything turned out.

"I love you, Scar." I said out of the blue as I closed my eyes.

"I love you too, Grian." He replied after a moment. "I'm happy the Truth finally got out."

"I am too." I replied tiredly yet happily.

-??? POV-

"*********, I think we should use the forms they know us by." I said once we teleported into the server.

"Oh yeah. That'll probably be smart." He replied with a sheepish laugh.

"Ready for them to know we're here?" I asked taking his hand into my own.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He responded with a half sigh.

I smiled and shook my head, "On three?" I questioned.

He nodded with an awkward smile.




Main Chat

********** Joined the game

**************** Joined the Game

<InTheLittleWood> more people?! :0

<Xizuma> not that I was aware of-

<GoodTimeWithScar> Wait-


So, how'd you like the first adventure? :]

That's right, you made it to the end Player.

There's more that awaits, but do you dare want to
take that on?

I hope so.

Because, this adventure,

Is only the beginning.

(571 words)

Truth (GoodTimesWithScar x Grian)Where stories live. Discover now