Secret Date🌹

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-Scar POV-

"Cub, where are you taking me?" I questioned.

Currently Cub wanted me to meet him at the Shopping District at 8 wearing something decent (as in he's wearing his business man costume), and he tied a blindfold around my head so I couldn't see, and he is now pushing me somewhere.

"Don't worry about it. Now sit down, and don't take your blindfold off until told!" He replied letting my shoulders go and presumably walking away from the leaves crunching that I heard.

I sighed and sat down still confused, I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them forming somewhat of a ball. Now we wait.

I waited about three minutes before I heard more footsteps and muffled grunting which confused me even more. It sounded like someone had been thrown and then someone ran off.

"TAKE OFF THE BLIND FOLDS!" Two voices shouted in sync, I immediately put a name to the voices, Cub and Mumbo.

As I began to untie it I heard more running, I sighed and took it off fully and set it to the side, I looked around and I was sat on a picnic blanket with a basket and Grian who was struggling to get tape off his mouth. Probably Mumbo's doing. He was wearing a red turtleneck with a black coat unbuttoned over it with black ripped jeans and red and black flats.

"Do you- uh- need some help there G?" I asked hesitantly, he nodded slowly and put his hands in his lap. "Just so you know I was kidnapped too. Ask Cub, he did it." I joked taking the tape off his mouth slowly to not hurt him to much.

"Good to know I wasn't alone." He smiled with a sheepish giggle, while taking the blindfold off as well and setting it to the side like I did with the tape and my blindfold. He looked around just like I did and his cheeks seemed to become a little pink making him look that much better. "Where are we and what are we supposed to do here?" He questioned, I just shrugged before both our communicators dinged and we opened our own.


You wanted a date with Grian?
There's your date! Yw, ik I'm


I could tell I was blushing because my cheeks felt warm, I shook my head and took a deep breath calming most of my nerves before turning off my communicator.

"Soo uh-... We're stranded in the middle of the woods alone. On a picnic? I guess?" Grian said clearing his throat setting his communicator in his pocket.

"I guess so, wanna see what they gave us?" I responded looking to the basket.

"Sure, can't be to bad." He said putting it in front of us and opening it. "Nevermind-"

Inside it was chocolate dipped strawberries, plates, sparkling water, apparently wine glasses for the water, ham sandwiches cut diagonal into four triangles, cookies, and what looked like mini apple pies.

"Why- just- why-?" He stuttered out with a sigh.

"L-lets just eat then find our way back home, s-sound good?" I replied stuttering as well.

"Yeah..." He sighed. Then we started to set everything up.

After we finished step one and read a note at the bottom that said once we finished to leave everything be, we began eating and making slight conversation so it wasn't awkward awkward. After a few minutes Grian took a bite out of a sugar cookie and I shook my head.

"You have just committed cannibalism, how could you, Cookie?" I joked, he seemed confused for a second then probably remembered eight days ago when I called him a cookie and he turned slightly pink.

I had taken a bite out of one of the strawberries before he spoke up, "Well so have you, chocolate is made with a lot of sugar, Sugar."

I turned slightly pink at the comment and we laughed for a little before turning onto another subject.

~~~Time skip (Three hours) brought to you by the writer being obsessed with The Legends series on Netflix~~~

We were walking up to Grian's hobbit hole base after two hours of eating, joking, talking, and another hour of walking to his base since it was apparently the closest (and not to mention they held hands whilst walking). Once we reached the door he stopped before he could open it and turned to look at me.

"I actually had more fun on this surprise picnic date thingy then I thought I would, so, thank you for that." He said retracting his hand.

"But I didn't really do anything? I was just, myself?" I responded unsure of how to frase that.

He smiled, "Exactly, you didn't make it completely romantic, you made it seem, normal-ish, that's what I'm thanking you for."

"Well then you're welcome!" I smiled back.

"See you later Scar." He replied kissing my cheek then entering his house closing the door behind him.

I was left at the door a red, blushing, probably muttering mess. I shook my head rapidly after what felt like a minute then began my long walk home because Cub stole my elytra.

Next time I see Mumbo or Cub I don't know wether I'm going to hug them, or punch them.

-----889 words----

AHHHH! Yw, also Cub is the man
in this dang story, many of you
like how I made his persona so
ty and yw for this. (Totally not
12:13 in the mornin nope)

Merry Christmas kids :D❤️

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