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-Grian POV-

Oh my goodness, I did that- WHY DID I DO THAT?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! I internally yelled at myself after closing my door, I swear to void- WHY?!

I could feel my cheeks heat up but disappeared after a second as I started panicking. What if I went to far?! What if he doesn't like me back! Wait- where the heck did that thought come from? I don't like him like that. Right? "Ugh emotions are so difficult!" I complained crashing onto the couch then getting a stupid idea. If I say it out loud maybe I could trigger something? Worth a shot.

I sighed and closed my eyes, "I only like Scar as a friend. No. Ugh! Fine universe! You win! Maybe I do love him!" I said to myself covering my face which was now pink. "GREAT, now I'm talking to myself! I need serious help- y'know what! I'm just gonna call X-i-zooma in the morning for advice! Yeah good plan!" I then sighed at myself in pity. This probably isn't healthy- I closed my eyes and let sleep consume my running brain.

When I woke up I immediately jumped up from the couch, regretting it afterwards as it gave me a headache, and I almost ran upstairs and changed into my normal attire after a shower (Which was STILL freezing!) and brushing my teeth, I started to head to the kitchen but I stopped dead in my tracks, I forgot to ask X if he could come over- I rushed around looking for my communicator after ten minutes I remembered I left it in my pocket, I sighed and grabbed it from the laundry basket and texted him.



Hey X, can you come
over? I need help :')

Sure Gri! I'm not
busy today, I'll be
over soon!

Mind Telling me
what you need
help with?

Yes I do mind🙂
I'll tell you when
you get here!



Okay great! Now we wait! I put my communicator in my pocket again and sat down tapping my foot anxiously. After a few minutes I sighed, maybe he's not coming? Dang- My thoughts got cutt off by a knock and I smiled, jumped up from the couch, and sped walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey Grian! So what do you need help with?" X greeted with a tired smile. "A glitch? Messed up code? Or-"

I cut him off, "No, Its kind of an embarrassing thing, I need, relationship advice..." I said and stepped to the side to let him in.

He looked confused for a moment but came in anyway, I shut the door and we both sat down on the couch.

"What kind of relationship advice?" He asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"I think I'm in love with someone but I'm not sure, and I may have kissed them on the cheek so now I'm in desperate need of advice." I stated scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh- why'd you ask me to come over then? I'm not all that good at relationships." He responded even more confused.

"But you are good at advice no?" I questioned.

X sighed and shook his head with a fond smile, "You got me there. But I can only give decent advice if I know who it is, but if you'd rather keep their name secret I can still try." He replied.

I looked at my lap and debated weather or not to tell him, he's supportive, it won't hurt would it?

"I- well-" I groaned and covered my face with my hands. "Scar..."

"Well I thought that would be more surprising- Grian I kinda already knew that just by watching you both, but before I confronted you about it I wanted you to tell me in case I was seeing things. I know he loves you, so I think you should just go for it!" He replied smiling softly, I moved my hands to the sides of me and looked at him and he seemed to know I was getting caught in my thoughts. "What's wrong?"

"Zuma i- ugh! I kissed him! Like- not on the lips- but ugh! I probably already ruined it!" I exclaimed curling myself into a ball.

He sighed again, "I don't know a lot about being in love, but he loves you I know that for certain, even if the small percentage that he doesn't love you back happens, I doubt he'd stop being your friend. Plus you have the rest of the server to lean on if things go south, including me, good ol dadzuma." He said.

I let out almost a childish giggle and smiled at him and quickly brought him into a hug and muttered into his shoulder, "Thanks, Dadzuma."

"Anytime Gri, anytime." He responded hugging me back. "Your not going to let that go, are you?'"

"Nope!" I replied.

We laughed a bit more and stayed hugging for a few moments before we broke apart.

"I have an idea on how to confess!" I said excitedly, X looked at me almost scolding me. "No it doesn't involve tnt, or anyone dying, or anything burning, but it does include fireworks!"

"Oh lord, don't do anything to Grian." He chuckled.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?! How can one be to Grian?" I questioned with a fake hurt voice.

"Exactly what you just described, destruction, chaos, possible death." He joked. We both laughed again.

"Okay fair, now I have things to set up!" I replied jumping off the couch and running to the door, "Tell Scar to meet me at the waterfall near the shopping district in an hour! And tell him it doesn't matter what he wears because I know he'll overthink it!"

And with that I ran out the door and began flying to my destination.

-Xizuma POV-

And he'll wonder why everyone knew he loved Scar. He freaking knows how he thinks! Relationships are weird.

999 words holy-
Welp- hope you
like this! Next
chapter is getting
more to the plot😌

Now I disappear
again to go write
marvel books that
I'll never post!

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