Chemistry >:D

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-Scar POV-

"Scar! Scar Scar! Scaaaarr!" A familiar avian shouted.

I turned towards the voice only to be rocketed into and tackled into a hug almost knocking me over, but knocking the wind out of me instead. I of course hugged him back, confused.

"Well hello there, Grian! What's up?" I smiled wincing slightly after speaking.

"GRIAN JUST ACCEPT YOUR FATE!" Zedaph yelled swiftly landing next to us and crossing his arms.

"Zed needs me for some random science experiment! I don't want to be a guinea-pig! Not after what happened last two times!" Grain said looking up at me then hiding his face in my chest.

I looked between the two confused, "What happened the last times..?" I questioned wearily.

"It's best if that stays confidential. Now come on Grian, I just need to run a few tests! Their painlesssss." Zedaph responded dragging out the s, and tapping his foot.

"You said that last time too!" Grain replied turning his head towards Zed.

"Okay, what happened the last two times?!" I asked again a little louder. Zed stared at me before looking at Grian with a 'Don't. You. Dare.' look. Grian looked at him and grinned slightly.

"Last season he made me take a random potion he made and I was sick for a month! And the other time he made me test a wind machine thing and I almost got stuck in the fan, aswell as almost loosing one of my wings." Grian said smirking and staring Zed dead in the eyes.

I looked at Grian then Zed, "You made him do what?!" I responded  confused with anger laced my words.

"GRIAN! THAT'S SCIENTIST CLIENT PRIVILEGE! YOU CAN'T TELL HIM!" Zed shouted with slight worry on his face. "It's. Supposed. To be. Confidential."

"Whoops. Guess you should've made me sign that contract." Grian grinned as we let go of the hug.

"YOU DID SIGN IT!" Zed complained.

"So we're just going to skip the part where you told me Zed almost caused you to lose a wing?!" I questioned starring daggers into Zed who took a step back.

"And that's my cue to leavee~. DON'T-TELL-X!" Zed shouted taking off back towards his base.

Grian tried holding in his laugh but he failed and burst out into giggles, I joined him a moment later. His laugh is so contagious and cute. Grian was laughing so hard he leaned on me to help support him up. After a minute we calmed down and Grian took a breath.

"Thanks for chasing him off, he's been following me for a good two hours." He giggled and I smiled.

"No need to thank me G, I really didn't even do anything." I replied with a bright smile.

"If you say so, but I'm still gonna thank you." He giggled out with a smile creeping on his face.

I laughed a little too, "So while you're here, wanna watch some more horror movies? Or are you busy?" I asked looking down at him.

"Nope, not busy at all." Grian responded looking up at me, his cheeks slightly red from laughing making me smile slightly.

I nodded and we both started walking back to my house.

"You want anything to drink? A snack?" I asked closing the door behind us.

"Just a glass of water is fine, but I can get it myself." He smiled then muttered something under his breath that I couldn't hear.

"Did you say something G?" I asked and he turned bright red.

"N-nope!" He responded speed walking into the kitchen.

I was confused but decided to shrug it off for now, I sat on the couch and decided on the horror movie, Ouija. Soon after I started the movie Grian sat next to me setting a glass of water on the table as he leaned against my arm and Jellie laid beside him. Their adorable.

648 words

I'm sorry about not posting as much but I'm starting to run low on ideas for this book, but I will finish it! Also sorry for the short chapter, this book os just taking a really long time to think of stuff to add.. But it's worth it for you my beautiful children! Remember to eat! Sleep regularly!(it's totally not 1:42 in the morning) and drink water! I love you all! Till next chapter!

Truth (GoodTimesWithScar x Grian)Where stories live. Discover now