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~~~Grian POV~~~

I woke up and looked above my head to see a still sleeping Scar, I smiled slightly remembering last night. I then realized my arms were wrapped around Scar's torso and both his hand were on my waist, I blushed uncontrollably. After a minute of me being memorized by the brunettes facial features, I turned to check his clock on his nightstand and it read 8:47.

I slowly got out of bed even though deep down I didn't want to, I replaced myself with a pillow so Scar still had something to hold and I walked into the kitchen. Scar made me breakfast and dinner yesterday, I'm going to at least try to make him breakfast even though I can only make scrambled eggs and bacon. I grabbed 4 eggs and a package of bacon out of the fridge and set them down on the counter then I grabbed a pan from the cabinet above the stove as I started humming the song Scar hummed at my house when we fell asleep in front of the fireplace, I cracked two eggs on the pan and spun across the kitchen and grabbed the pepper then spun back across and shook the pepper container upside down so pepper would get on the eggs as they cooked, and I constantly flipped them until they were done then I grabbed two plates from a cabinet next to the fridge, I slid the eggs onto one plate and cracked the last two eggs in the pan and repeated what I did before. I slid across the kitchen to the cups upside down next to the sink and I grabbed two, I spun to the fridge and set the cups up right and grabbed the jug of milk in the fridge and poured some into the glasses and setting one of them on the table/bar and taking a drink from the other, then placing it next to the other plate, then putting the jug of milk back into the fridge and sliding back to the stove where I left the plates I picked them up and spun over to the table/bar and sat them down. I had a proud smile on my face then I heard a laugh from the hall, I turned red in embarrassment and looked at the figure.

~~~Scar POV~~~

I woke up and checked the time 8:24, your kidding. I never woke up early so I was a little shocked. I felt someone breath into my chest and I looked down to see the small avian that I was so found over hugging me with my arms around his back, I smiled and felt my face heat up a little. I moved my hands down to his waist because it just felt right, I gave him another kiss on the head and closed my eyes again so I could sleep for another hour or two.

The next time I opened my eyes Grian was walking out of the room and I was hugging a pillow. I sighed and sat up in bed then standing up and changing into my Cowboy outfit I had in my drawer, leaving the top 3 buttons unbuttoned. I put my Cowboy hat on and walked down the hall, I saw Grian dancing around the kitchen and I didn't want to disturb him so I leaned on the wall watching him dance and cook, I couldn't help but smile at him as he spun from the sink to the fridge. God I wish I could kiss him- wait why am I thinking that? He's my best friend, nothing more. But God I wish we could be more. I snapped out of my thoughts as he placed the cups next to the plates on the bar table, he had one of the proudest smiles on his face which made me chuckle and smile. He turned his head to me embarrassed blush on his face.

The short blonde looked at the floor, "Erm, h-how long have you been standing there..?" He asked looking back at me.

"Since you put the first two eggs on the plate." I replied with a chuckle and a small smile, walking over to the bar table and standing in front of him.

"Oh uhm..." He started but couldn't find the words he needed to continue, which made me smile slightly.

I looked down at him, "You have milk on your face." I said wiping the milk with my thumb slowly. Once I got all the milk I moved my hand to his chin making him look up at me. I stared into his baby blue eyes, and got lost in them probably for a good amount of time.

"Scar..?" He questioned breaking the silence and snapping me back into reality, I put my hand back to my side and my face flushed.

"S-Sorry about that Gri, I-.. thought-I-missed-some-milk!" I responded trying my best not to stutter and failing miserably. I mentally face palmed at how stupid I am, and how fast I said the last bit.

"A-alright then. You did get all the milk though right?" He asked stifling a giggle.

I put my hand on his head and messed up his hair slightly, "Yes I did." I replied with a chuckle and putting my hand in my pants pocket.

"Good, now we better eat before the food gets cold." He responded with a small giggle walking around the counter and sitting on the stool in front of his plate, I did the same and we began eating.

I kept glancing at the blonde almost every chance I got, yes he caught me once and threw bacon at me, which turned into sort of a food fight that lasted almost an hour with me ending up winning somehow.

"Great, now I have to shower again!" Grian fake pouted, making me giggle slightly as I crossed my arms.

"Well, you threw bacon at me so I threw it back, and you decided to make it into a.. breakfast-war!" I replied with small laugh.

Grian smiled and held in a laugh, "Well in my defense.. I took it as a challenge! Y'know I can't back down from challenges!" he responded as I sat down on the couch. "Also, how are you not covered in food? That's unfair!" The blonde asked confused standing in front of me with a confused expression which made me chuckle a bit.

"I'm just lucky I guess! Also don't even think about getting me back later!" I said moving so I was sitting crisscross on the couch, a smile spreading on my face.

Grian put his hand on his chest and fake gasped in disbelief. "How dare you think of me so low! But fair point I would probably try to get you back, but only when you didn't expect it." He responded crossing his arms making me giggle then a realization hit me.

"So if you'd do it when I don't expect it, are you going to get me back after you say you aren't so I drop my guard?" I skeptically asked standing up and looking down at him.

He started up at me with a gremlin grin. "Maybe, or I just want you to think that!" He winked then left the room and into the hallway presumably to shower and change.

My eyes followed him out in disbelief as my face turned bright red and stopped at the hall where he's disappeared from my vision. I sighed and sat back down wondering what I should do today. I'll ask Grian what he's doing then I'll figure out what I am. I thought to myself, truth be told I really wanted to stay cuddled on the couch with Grian and watch movies, but he might have other more important plans then to hangout with his friend. I sighed at the thought and shook my head. I shouldn't feel sad about being just friends, friends are good enough for me as long as I get to talk to him. I broke out of thought when I heard the shower turn on and a door shut, I sighed again and decided to clean what's left of the food-war we had moments before.

1380 words!

Also thanks everyone for the late happy birthday wishes! And support! It means a lot to me that people actually enjoy this crap I call work 😅 also it's like 3:30 in the morning when I'm posting this but oh well! Hope you enjoy the book as I probably don't have many chapters left to write! Farewell until my next update!


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