Kisses and Cookies

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-Scar POV-

As soon as X left I began panicking, "Don't stress" he said! WhatDoYouMeanDon'tStress?! I ran upstairs and started frantically looking through my clothes, magician, no. Wizard, no. Weird safari outfit that I don't remember, oh! This one's a maybe! Wait, when did I wear this one-? Oh well! OooOooo, another pretty Safari one I don't remember! Dang it I'm indecisive- y'know what, I'm just gonna ask Cub.

I grabbed my communicator and texted Cub knowing he'd give me at least a little advice.


Cub help! I need to meet Grian
in an hour and I need advice!

And you came to me why?
I'm as single as a you are gay.

Cub please!😥

I don't know if it's like a
romantic meet up or a
friendly one!

Okay okay.

Where are you meeting
and what do you need to

That kinda sets what it is.

The waterfall near the
Shopping District!

And I was told not to
be to picky or panic over
what to wear!

Correction I'm as single
as you are clueless-

It's a romantic meet up,
but not like a "Panic to
get everything ready"
more of a "I wanna
get away from everyone
but you" so wear
something casual!🤷🏼

How did you get that from
that-? Nvm, thanks Cub!

But uh, I still don't know
what to wear.😀

🤦🏼You think to much.


-Grian POV-

I paced back and forth anxiously as I waited, maybe he forgot, maybe he still can't find an outfit because I know he probably is overthinking it, maybe- maybe he didn't want to come! I froze for a moment at that thought, why wouldn't he come? What if he's busy! What if he doesn't- no! Snap out of it T- Grian.. Snap out of it Grian. I shook my head and continued to pace.

I had already set up the little decorations and changed into my plain white button up from Third Life, it was definitely different from my normal comfy sweaters that I grew attached to but hey, I couldn't wear something so boring.

"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late!"

Speak of the angel.

"It's okay, I'm just glad you showed up." I said with a smile.

We fell into a comfortable silence as he looked at all the decorations, the candles littered around, the streamers I spread around in the trees. As he looked around I noticed he was wearing his outfit from Double Life, I wish he could remember. He smiled and looked at me.

"Grian this, this is beautiful!" He exclaimed not dropping the smile.

"Thanks, I tried my best." I replied looking out at the little pond.

We fell into silence again, I know what I have to do, but it's easier said then done. I got this, no biggie, I got this!

"There's something I need to ask you!" We both blurted out and turned to each other in sync, we laughed for a second at our outbursts.

"You go first." I said smiling brighter.

"No no, we'll say it together?" He questioned, I responded with a simple nod. "On the count of three."


Am I really doing this?!


Agh what if he thinks I'm weird?!


Here goes nothing!

"DoYouWannaGoOutWithMe?!" We both blurted out in sync again.

We both froze and just looked at each other, he feels the same? He feels the same!

-Scar POV-

"DoYouWannaGoOutWithMe?!" We both shouted.

We both paused and stared at each other in confusion. He likes me to?! We both slowly started smiling brightly yet sheepishly.

"Well that was unexpected." Grian stated with a giggle.

"Yep." I said happily. "I thought you would've thrown me into the water or something."

"Oh?" He laugh, and walked to my side. "Like this?!"

And he pushed me in. Once I resurfaced I glared at him as he laughed, I grabbed his wrist and tugged him in as well and we were both laughing and smiling like idiots. We splashed each other back and forth and eventually I drug him to the deeper end where he couldn't reach the bottom and he wrapped his arms around my neck and my arms were around his waist to keep him above the water, and were both still laughing like kids.

Once the laughing stopped we stared at each others eyes with nothing but love. I slowly cupped his cheek, he was red both because of my action and the way we've been laughing for so long.

"Can I-.. Is it alright if I- kissed you..?" I asked softly.

He nodded in confirmation and we both slowly leaned in and closed out eyes, we stopped bearly an inch away and took a few breaths before finally, our lips connected.

Saying fire works went off was definitely an understatement, it felt like I found half of my whole, my light to my darkness, any other cheesy line you can think of!

We slowly pulled away, breathless from only a few seconds. Without opening my eyes I could tell we were both smiling like highschool girls on a crush. We both went in for another one, this one more passionate and meaningful. I nipped his lip and he let out something between a gasp and a whine making me smirk as I slipped my tongue into his mouth, he tried to fight for dominance but lost quickly making me smirk wider. He wrapped his legs around my waist and we pulled each other impossibly closer.

Both of us were caught in the moment, neither of us heard our communicators buzz.

932 words!

(Hehehe, yw.
That's all u
get Punchers.
Hope you enjoyed!)

[Don't kill me!
It's 1:38 in the am]

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