Chapter Eleven

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Hongjoong sat in between Seonghwa and Felix and he would be lying if he didn't feel like he was suffocating. The atmosphere had gotten so tense after they had to join up with their groups to discuss the assignment. Seonghwa noticed how Felix was looking at Hongjoong so happily and sent death glares his way and unfortunately Hongjoong was stuck in the middle of it. Seonghwa folded his arms in his chest and put his feet up on the desk as he leaned back in his chair. "What are you doing?" Hongjoong asked as sneaked a closer look at the boy's figure. And of course, yet again, his uniform was in a state of disaster and his hair fell onto his forehead.

Felix harshly scoffed before rolling his eyes at the older's actions. He then turned to Hongjoong with a wide smile and softly took his hands in his. "Hyung, why don't we work on the assignment together at my place after school?"

Felix watched with hopeful eyes as Hongjoong thought about his request. "Sure." Hongjoong eventually said with a soft smile. He noticed his hands were still being held and blushed slightly. Seonghwa rolled his eyes as he sat up right and leaned on his hand that was prompted up by his elbow on the desk. "And what about me? Do I not get an invitation? I'm still a part of this assignment after all." 

Hongjoong turned to look at Seonghwa who was smirking at him with a raised eyebrow. Hongjoong's blush deepened when he noticed Seonghwa staring at the necklace around his neck that just so happened to be the one Seonghwa gifted him on his birthday. 

"Whatever. You can come too." Felix simply stated before going back and conversing with Hongjoong, his smile bigger than ever. Seonghwa huffed as he leaned back in his chair. 

When the day finally ended, Hongjoong is by his locker saying goodbye to Mingi and Jongho. He remembered to thank the boys for the bracelet and reminded them that he wears it all the time except for school in case it might get taken off him. Yunho approached from behind and covered Mingi's eyes with his hands, scaring him in the process. They all burst into laughter as Yunho slid his hands around Mingi's waist and swayed them, his chin resting on Mingi's shoulder. "Although I love this moment right now, I have an appointment with boyfriend we must attend to." 

"We've got a movie date planned. Talk to you guys later. And Hongjoong hyung, tell me how it goes at Felix's." 

"Will do. Bye guys." Hongjoong bid farewell to his friends as Jongho waved at the couple. It was then Jongho's turn to sigh. "What's up with you?" Hongjoong's eyes narrowed as he inspected his friend.


"Alright then. I've got to meet up with Felix so tell me when I get back." Hongjoong said as he shut his locker and began walking in the other direction. Further down the hall, he could see Felix leaning against his locker. As Hongjoong got closer he saw another figure leaning against the lockers. Seonghwa pushed himself off the wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Can we go now?"

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