Ch.1 looking for handy

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(This is my first ever story i'm ever writing, i hope you enjoy)

Ever since smurfette and her friends found the lost village and since the other smurfettes moved to their village because their village has been distroyed by gargamel everything has been to seem fine, everyone has been to seem happy and joyful ever since, but one specific smurf isn't really happy, but instead seems  to be upset.

clumsy: "Oh where is handy I really need him at this moment"

*clumsy runs and tries to go look for handy smurf but ends up tripping on a rock and bumps into smurfette*

clumsy: "Oh gosh sorry smurfette"

smurfette: "its ok clumsy, why are you running?"

clumsy: "I'm looking for handy smurf, I need his help with something"

smurfette: "ohh, do you want me to help you find him?"

clumsy: "sure"

*meanwhile with handy*

handy: *sigh* "I really wish I could find someone like everyone else *picks up rock and throws at the river"

(everyone else has someone in their life to love, the smurfettes and some of the smurfs have gotten together but some smurfs and some smurfettes haven't yet)

back with smurfette and clumsy
*smurfette and clumsy search and search for handy but can't seem to find him*

smurfette: "where could he be?"

clumsy: "I have no idea, he's usually in his workshop but we already checked there"

hefty: "Hey clumsy and hey smurfette~" *looks at smurfette and smiles gently*

(its pretty obvious hefty has a crush on smurfette but he doesn't want her to find out cause he's scared of her rejecting him but little does he know smurfette likes him back)

both clumsy and smurfette: "hi hefty"

hefty: "so what are you guys up to"

clumsy: "well i'm trying to look for handy and smurfette is helping me but we can't seem to find him anywhere"

smurfette: "hey, you know handy very well, do you know where he is?"

hefty: "yea, he's usually at his workshop, or outside the village near the waterfall"

smurfette: "the waterfall, thats were we havent checked

clumsy: "right, lets go check there right now, I really need his help"

hefty: "Why do you need his help?" *raises left eyebrow*

Clumsy: "Well me and dimwitty were just playing catch with a rock and we sorta made a hole in someones mushroom, hehe" *scratches back of his head*

smurfette and hefty: *facepalm*

hefty: "Well i'll go with you guys since I already finished my workout" *smirks*

smurfette: "Alright either ways we're going outside the village and who knows we might run into gargamel and we'll need someone to help us just in case" *smiles at hefty*

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smurfette: "Alright either ways we're going outside the village and who knows we might run into gargamel and we'll need someone to help us just in case" *smiles at hefty*

hefty: *blushes* "Yea yea, i'll protect you guys if we run into gargamel"

clumsy: "Alright let's go guys"

*smurfette and clumsy and hefty all go to the entrance of the village and leave the village to go look for handy*

*with handy*

handy: *sigh* well its getting pretty late and gargamel could come out of nowhere, i should get going"  *says to himself*

*while walking back to smurf village handy hears a stick break*

handy: "Who's there?!" *handy grabs his hammer as a weapon* "show yourself, i'm not scared"

*clumsy, smurfette, and hefty appear behind him*

hefty: "Hey handy there you are we've been loo-"

handy: AHHHHH *swings his hammer at hefty*

hefty: "king for you...ouch" *falls on his back*

handy: "Oh gosh sorry hefty, you scared me"

smurfette: "Oh my hefty are you ok??" in worried voice *puts hand on heftys cheek*

hefty: "uhhhh" *blushes*

clumsy: "there you are handy, we've been looking for you everywhere and we couldn't find you anywhere"

handy: "Ohh sorry, i've just been here at the river, anyways why were you guys looking for me?"

clumsy: "well i need your help"

handy: "What do you need help with my friend"

clumsy: "well i sorta made a hole on someones mushroom"

handy: *facepalm* Alright i'll fix it in no time"

clumsy: "Thank you handy"

*with smurfette and hefty*

hefty: *stands up quickly and answers smurfettes question "yep yep, im great hehe" *blushes of embaresment*

smurfette: "oh ok" *smiles gently"

handy: "sorry again hefty, I thought you were gargamel for a second"

hefty: "its cool handy"

smurfette: "well lets head back to the village its getting late"

*they all agree and head back to the village*

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