Chapter 5

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It was day two of the Chris McLean Young Business Leaders Development Program.

"Today's activity is about teamwork and problem-solving. I've organised you all into pairs, and you'll be working together with your partner on a hypothetical business case study. As part of the case study, you'll also need to come up with a new business idea - and no, it can't be the same as the existing industry you're in." Chris started circling around the room, handing each attendee the activity brief, and then proceeded to announce all the groups.

"...And our final pair is Heather and Alejandro. Ok, you may now all get started."

"What?! I'm not working with him!" Heather protested, as the other attendees all started getting up from their seats to sit with their partner.

"Yeah, because you're so good at turning people off," Alejandro retorted.

"Excuse me?!"

"Both of you, zip it," Chris growled. "I only put you two together because I saw you bickering with each other on day one. This isn't high school, just learn to put aside whatever differences you have and work together for the activity."

Heather pursed her lips and folded her arms.

"It's only for one day, chica." Alejandro smirked, as he took a seat next to Heather. "And besides, there's no need to get all worked up; it's not like we're getting married or anything."

"Ew!" Heather scoffed.

Alejandro pretended that he didn't hear that last comment, instead turning his focus to carefully studying the brief in front of him. "This case study is fantastic!" he exclaimed. "Chris will be so impressed at all the marvellous ideas I have!"

"Alright, Mr know it all, let's hear what 'marvellous ideas' you've got," Heather rolled her eyes.

"Well, for starters, how about we choose a restaurant for our business idea? Like a sushi restaurant for instance - sushi's your favorite food, sí?" Alejandro almost instantly blurted out, and then regretted it immediately once he realized what he had said. Out of all possible ideas, why did this have to be the thing to come out of my mouth! He let out a sheepish grin and scratched his head. Estúpido!

Heather raised an eyebrow. "How did you know sushi's my favorite food?"

"Well, I am an expert at women," Alejandro faked a laugh.

"As if I'm buying that. Liar, liar pants on fire," Heather glared at him.

"Alright, alright," Alejandro sighed in defeat. "I heard it from that interview you did -"

"You watched my interview?" Heather was genuinely surprised for a moment, and then quickly changed her tone. "A flirt, a jerk, and a stalker. Who would've guessed?" she scoffed.

"I was not aware that watching a public video on a public website would be considered stalking." Alejandro attempted to defend himself innocently. "Besides, I do love an ambitious and driven woman," he added with a cocky grin.

"That's just, you- ugh, whatever!" Heather could feel her cheeks turning red again, and she was starting to realize that this seemed to be a somewhat frequent occurrence whenever she was around Alejandro. She turned her head around to avoid facing him.

Alejandro let out a tiny, confident smirk. She'll come around.

"Ok fine, sushi it is. But I'm picking the details." Heather spun back around moments later, letting out an exasperated sigh and crossing her arms.

"Let's do this," he grinned.


It was the final day of the program; the activities portion had officially concluded and the attendees now had the rest of the day to relax before they would be departing the hotel tomorrow.

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