Chapter 15

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Heather, please at least let me know that you're doing okay.

As Heather sat in the back seat of the car, she found herself subconsciously reopening the last text Alejandro had sent her. She continued to stare at it until the words on her screen felt like they had morphed into one large blur of mess.

Since the day she went to his office, Alejandro had sent her texts and had tried calling her, but she hadn't responded to any of them. It wasn't that she necessarily didn't want to respond; but rather, she didn't know how to respond.

But she knew that tonight, at the Annual Canadian Jewellery Business Awards, she would probably be seeing him, and to her, that felt like a large blanket of uneasiness wrapped around her.

"Ma'am, we've arrived at your destination."

The voice of Heather's driver snapped her out of her thoughts, and she quickly shifted her gaze from her phone to the view outside the car window; the Four Seasons Hotel in all its glory, a red carpet leading to the hotel lobby, people chatting and laughing, women dressed in stunning gowns and men in fancy suits and tuxedos. The atmosphere radiated nothing short of excitement, yet excitement was the last thing Heather felt.

Heather muttered a quick thanks to the driver and then took a deep breath. She opened the car door, stepped out and straightened her deep red formal dress.

As soon as she took a few steps, she was immediately met with the snapping of cameras and a reporter shoving a microphone in her face.

"And there's Heather Kasuga, founder of Illuminate and one of our finalists! Heather, how are you feeling about tonight?"

Heather internally rolled her eyes and faked a smile at the camera. "I think everything will turn out just the way it should," she confidently answered and then promptly walked off before she could be bombarded with any more questions.

She then made her way inside the lobby and towards the event room where the ceremony would be taking place. The place was huge, and to her relief so far she had not been able to spot Alejandro anywhere.

"Heather, there you are! You look stunning."

Heather turned around to see Nathan, with Sierra closely behind him.

"There's a seat reserved for you at the front," Sierra added.

Heather hesitated for a moment. "You guys can take it," she eventually said.

Sierra frowned. "Are you sure?"

Heather nodded.

As Nathan and Sierra walked ahead, she took a seat near the back and did a quick scan of the room whilst she fiddled around with her bracelet. Truthfully, tonight, she only wanted to be as far as away from everyone as possible. Ironic for an awards finalist, right? she thought to herself and then shook her head.

Meanwhile, Alejandro was sitting in the front row of the room with José, Javier and the other award finalists. He nervously tugged at his red tie, searching the crowded room of faces for Heather. He contemplated sending her another text but then decided against it. As he continued to gaze around, he suddenly noticed Sierra sitting down in the chair a few seats across from him. He was about to stand up to talk to Sierra when José's voice interrupted him.

"Where are you going Al, the ceremony is about to start," José snickered beside him.

"None of your business," Alejandro muttered as he tugged at his tie once again. He then promptly stood up and proceeded to make a beeline towards where Sierra was seated.

"Sierra—" he began, only to be interrupted once again by a loud voice which echoed in the venue.

"Alright everyone, please be seated, we are commencing in one minute," Chris McLean, host of tonight's ceremony, spoke into the microphone as he stood in front of the podium.

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