Chapter 14

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A/N - this week was a double update so read chapter 13 first if you haven't yet :) 


Heather woke up with an uneasy feeling in her stomach.

It was supposed to be 'revenge day'.

She had texted Alejandro (she now had his number because they had to coordinate for the magazine photoshoot) and had asked whether she could stop by at his office to talk. Alejandro had responded almost immediately, saying that he would reschedule all his other work meetings for the day so that he could see her.

The plan was seemingly simple: go to Alejandro's office, distract him and then try to find some leverage for her own company. After all, if Alejandro had taken those files from Illuminate, then two can play this game right?

From her high school experience, she knew that doing something like this was supposed to be easy for her and come to her naturally.

So why was she feeling so conflicted, so uncertain and so unsure?

Heather bit her lip as she searched through her wardrobe, deciding what to wear. Her eyes eventually settled on a pretty light blue dress. She took it out and was about to try it on when she suddenly realized that this was not supposed to be a date. As she let out a sigh, she tossed the dress on her bed in frustration.

She eventually decided on a simple look; a white tank top and light denim high rise jeans coupled with a pair of black boots. With that, she pulled her hair back in her classic low ponytail style and completed her look with some basic make-up.

She took a deep breath before heading out the door. I can do this.


"I'm Heather and I'm here to see Alejandro," Heather confidently said to the receptionist once she had arrived at J&B Co's office building. "And this time, I have an appointment," she added, rolling her eyes.

The receptionist handed Heather a visitor's pass and Heather made her way inside the elevator and to level 28, where Alejandro's office was situated.

As Heather walked through the hallways, she felt a growing tightness in her chest which seemed to only worsen with each step that she took, and with each minute that passed.

The last time she was here, she had witnessed Alejandro getting very close with another woman. Heather shuddered at the memory, and then reminded herself again of why she was here today.

She also remembered that the last time she was here, this place was supposedly massive and she had gotten lost.

But for some reason, today, she was able to find Alejandro's office with ease.

Heather blinked and felt her heart skip a beat as soon as she saw the sign on the door which read 'Alejandro Burromuerto - Co-Chief Operating Officer'. Well, that was quick. Faster than expected.

"Heather, you look incredible! I'm so happy to see you," Alejandro beamed when he saw her. Alejandro had been standing near the door this whole time, nervously pacing around as he waited for her.

Heather immediately felt a stab of guilt in her stomach once she saw Alejandro. But there was no going back now. She took a deep breath and then put on a smile. "Listen, Alejandro, we should probably talk."

"I'd love that," Alejandro nodded as he gazed into her deep grey eyes. "Come inside."

Heather nervously let out a tiny nod and the two of them walked inside and sat down on the couch in his office. There was enough room on the couch for them both, but somehow Alejandro had ended up sitting right next to her, which only made her more nervous.

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