Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're actually doing this?" Courtney asked Heather as she was getting ready for her date with Nathan.

Heather sighed. She admitted she had only agreed to it in the spur of the moment because she needed a distraction after what had happened with Alejandro.

"Yeah, it's really no big deal," she shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Besides, I need to take my mind off some things."

"Is everything alright?" Courtney asked in a worried voice.

"Oh yes, I'm fine, it's nothing important," Heather quickly replied. "You know, just the usual stress from work and running your own business," she added as she flipped her hair.

"Ok, so let me get this straight, you're trying to take your mind off work by going out on a date with someone who you see at work everyday?" Courtney studied Heather carefully.

"Uh, yeah? Sure why not?" Heather faked a laugh.

"Alright, if you're so sure," Courtney frowned. "I just thought Nathan wasn't exactly your type."

"Court, relax, it's just one date," Heather chuckled. "And speaking of which, what do you think should be my type anyway?"

"Well, I'm thinking, someone who's basically like a king to our ice queen," Courtney teased. "Someone who's charismatic, smart, fun and interesting, and who will constantly keep you on your toes and grounded, but also someone you can be vulnerable with. I don't know, Nathan just seems too vanilla for you."

Heather bit her lip and stared down at the floor without saying anything. Great, why did I have to ask Courtney that?

"Heath, are you ok?" Courtney asked gently.

"I'm fine," Heather nodded absentmindedly.

"Remember our conversation from last week? Just be careful, and text or call me at any point if you need," Courtney replied.

"I know, mom," Heather rolled her eyes.

At that moment, the doorbell of their penthouse rang, signalling that Nathan was here to pick Heather up.

"Well, guess I'll see you later," Heather said as she walked over to open the door.

Courtney nodded and smiled at her.


"We're here!" Nathan smiled, as he opened the car door for Heather. They had just arrived at their date location.

Heather slowly walked with him and then she instantly froze as she turned her head up towards the restaurant sign to see where he had taken her - they were at a Spanish restaurant. Great. Just as she was trying to do everything to not think about Alejandro. She sighed as they walked through the doors.

"Here, let me help you with your seat." Nathan pulled her chair out once they arrived at their table. "Also, this meal is on me."

"Thanks," Heather muttered, as she sat down and straightened her dress.

They both stared at the menu for the next couple of minutes in awkward silence, until a waitress came over to their table.

"Oh my gosh, Heather Kasuga, founder of Illuminate? I'm such a big fan of your brand!" she squealed when she saw Heather.

"Why thank you," Heather smiled. "Would you like my autograph?" she added, half joking half serious.

The waitress squealed once more and handed Heather her pen and notepad. Heather rolled her eyes and quickly signed the notepad. "Here you go."

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