Chapter 10

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Two months later

"Our most recent data shows that the growth rate of our sales have slightly decreased, although sales generally still remain steady overall," Nathan reported to Heather as he stood in her office and handed her a few files. "It hopefully shouldn't impact our chances of being nominated for the Annual Jewellery Business Awards this year."

Heather took the documents and began to study them carefully. There was an awkward silence in the room as Nathan stood there watching her, not knowing what else to say.

"So are you ready for tonight?" He eventually asked again, breaking the silence.

Heather glanced up. "I mean yes, but either way, it doesn't really matter. We've pushed back the launch party date twice already."

"I won't be on the stage with you tonight, because of ... well you know, but I've asked Cody to step in to MC the event and I'll be cheering for you in the audience," Nathan smiled. "You'll be great."

"And by the way, here's your speech for tonight." He handed Heather a few cue cards.

"Thanks Nathan," Heather smiled back.

"Anytime. I'll see you at the event, let me know if you need anything else," Nathan smoothly replied before walking out of Heather's office.

It had now been two months since Illuminate's 'scandal', and Heather was getting ready for tonight's launch party for her business' newest jewellery collection, The Red Velvet. This would also mark her first public appearance since the incident.

Nathan's prompt 'public statement' on Instagram had been generally well received, with people commending him for 'owning up to his mistakes' and defending him by emphasizing that he was 'only a teenager' back then. And as almost as quickly as they had appeared, the people who had left hate comments on Illuminate's Instagram disappeared and moved onto the next scandal. It was almost as if the article had never been published, or that it was buried and forgotten like an old library book. Almost.

Heather stared into the mirror in her office. Roles reversed, if I had been the one to apologize in the video and admit what was in the article, would people have still been so supportive? Would Illuminate still be experiencing steady sales as it still was today?

Revenge. She had thought about doing something to get back at J&B Co a few times since the incident. And she knew that she normally wouldn't hesitate to retaliate.

But each time, she would find herself thinking back to the day Alejandro was in her office, the sadness and pain she had seen in his emerald green eyes, and his words that day: "I would never want to hurt you."

Heather shook her head and took a deep breath to snap herself out of it. This was not the time for intrusive thoughts. She needed to be at the top of her game for tonight. She bent down to grab her pink lip gloss from her bag, and that was when she heard the loud tapping of a woman's high heels on the floorboards.


Heather froze at the voice. She shut her eyes, hoping she was in some sort of nightmare. All the memories suddenly came flooding back. Please let it be someone else.

She slowly spun around and took a deep breath. Her grey eyes met the woman's.

"What are you doing here? And how did you even get up here?" Heather snapped.

"Your secretary let me up," the woman answered.

Heather put her hands on her hips. She made a mental note to herself to scold Sierra later.

"You're not welcome here. Leave before I call security."

"You haven't changed at all," the woman shook her head.

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