Chapter 13

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Once the photoshoot concluded, Nathan walked up to Alejandro and flashed his best fake smile. "Hey man, I've got to say, you did a great job today. I was doubtful at first, but you are definitely model material."

Alejandro studied him carefully and raised a brow. "Thanks," he eventually muttered.

"So we're going to need you to sign some confidentiality forms for the photoshoot, just for until the photos become public," Nathan continued. "Let me grab the forms from my bag."

Nathan walked over to where his bag was and carried it over. He then pretended to dig through it and faked a frown on his face.

"Oh shit, it looks like I forgot to bring them here. Would it be alright if you come over to our office today?"

"Sure, I suppose," Alejandro frowned. Although he felt suspicious; something definitely felt off. Nathan was being weirdly nice to him.

Natham smiled. "Alright, that's settled then."

As Heather and Alejandro walked to their dressing rooms to change out of their outfits, Nathan pulled Sierra aside.

"Sierra, later when Alejandro comes to the office, can you take him to the kitchen for a bit after he signs the forms? Give him some food or something, and keep him occupied. He's had a long day at the shoot today." Nathan politely smiled at Sierra. He knew that Alejandro didn't trust him, so he needed Sierra's help with his plan.

Sierra frowned and placed her hands on her hips. "Uh, why?"

Nathan felt exasperated, but he took a deep breath and maintained his calm. "Sierra, if you do as I say and don't ask any questions, I'll give you Cody's number and his address."

Sierra's eyes instantly lit up like a child being offered candy. "Really?! Alright, we have a deal." She turned to start walking away.

Nathan smirked. This was way too easy. He then suddenly remembered something else.

"Sierra, wait, one more thing," Nathan called out. Sierra turned back around. "I also have some baby photos of Cody from Illuminate's Christmas Party last year that I'd be happy to throw in the deal if you make sure you don't tell Heather about our conversation."

"Hmm," Sierra said as she rested her hand on her chin. "I would absolutely love to add Codykin's baby photos to my collection so yes, deal," she nodded.

A sly grin formed on Nathan's face. Perfect.


As Heather sat in her office, she couldn't bring herself to concentrate on her work in front of her. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to think of something else but all her mind kept trailing back to was the image and sensation of Alejandro's hand on her chin and around her waist. And most of all, his lips - his ridiculously perfect lips and how they had almost brushed against her own.

An hour had now passed since the photoshoot, but Heather felt that with each passing minute, the tangled web of emotions within her only kept piling up and that she was going to explode anytime now.

Alejandro, Sierra and Nathan were currently in one of the meeting rooms sorting out the confidentiality forms, but Heather had excused herself and said she had an urgent work matter. She didn't know what she was going to say to Alejandro. At least not yet.

She sighed as she spun around on her office chair and then bit her lip. Ugh. I'm literally such a mess right now. Maybe I should just cave in to my feelings...

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on her office.

"Heather, I need to talk to you, it's urgent," Nathan began as he walked inside.

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