Chapter 7

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"Nathan asked you out?" Courtney gasped with a mouthful of pizza. They were having dinner together at home.

"Yeah, it was quite weird and awkward," Heather admitted.

"What did you tell him?" Courtney's eyes were wide open.

"I just said it's best we keep things professional," Heather said as she took a bite of her pizza.

"Oh my gosh, what was his reaction?"

"I don't know, I didn't really pay any attention. I left to meet up with you." Heather took another bite of her food.

Courtney looked at Heather and frowned. "Hmm, well, this is definitely a bit unexpected. Be careful, ok? I mean, you still have to see him at work everyday, and I don't want him to do anything that might hurt you, especially now that you've basically friendzoned him."

"Nathan?" Heather laughed. "Pft, pretty sure he doesn't have the courage or guts to even hurt a fly."

"I mean, yes he's nice and smart, I do remember him making the Dean's List in college every year," Courtney was deep in thought. "It's just that there were times where he seemed..." she shook her head and frowned. "Never mind. I can't put my finger on it exactly. But I'm just thinking back to when you offered him a role in Illuminate and he basically said yes immediately. Didn't he always say he wanted to go into tech or something?"

"Well he said he liked me back in college, so maybe that's why," Heather shrugged. "But yeah, I'll be careful Court," she nodded at Courtney as she took a final bite of her food.


The next day

Heather glanced up at the tall skyscraper in front of her that was J&B Co's office. This place must have like at least 30 floors, she thought to herself as she made her way inside towards reception, tightly clenching the pair of sunglasses in her hands. Alejandro's sunglasses.

"I'm here to see Alejandro Burromuerto," she confidently said to the receptionist.

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist glared at her.

"Well, no, but -"

"What's your name? And what's the purpose of your visit?"

"Heather. I'm literally just here to give him back his Prada sunglasses." She rolled her eyes.

The receptionist sighed and started typing something on her computer. She then made a phone call. "Hello Andrea? I have a Heather down in the lobby, she said she's here to see Alejandro, something about having his sunglasses..."

"If he's busy, I can just -" Heather gulped. Why was she suddenly feeling nervous?

"As you can imagine, Mr Burromuerto is indeed busy. We're going to make an exception this time, but next time make sure you have an appointment. Go wait on level 28, and fill out the visitor's log." The receptionist tossed Heather a clipboard and visitor's pass. Heather rolled her eyes again as she grabbed the two items.


José was getting ready for a board meeting on level 28 when he noticed Heather in the hallway, wandering around and looking seemingly lost. A smirk formed on his face as he immediately walked towards her and introduced himself.

"Hola, hermosa. My name is José, and I'm the Chief Operating Officer here," he straightened his tie and flashed a smile. "May I have the pleasure of assisting you in any way?"

Heather took one look at him. José had a smirk, flirtatious tone and facial features that somewhat resembled Alejandro, although she admitted Alejandro was more good-looking. 

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