Chapter 22

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"Can you hurry up?" Heather demanded as she glared at Duncan and placed her hands on her hips. "What's taking you so long?"

"I'm already going as fast as I can," Duncan grunted as he tried turning the doorknob again. "And you telling me to hurry up every ten seconds won't make it any faster."

Heather rolled her eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be an expert at this?"

"Just because I went to juvie doesn't mean I know how to pick locks, okay?" Duncan stopped what he was doing and turned around to glare at Heather. "Talk about stereotyping."

Courtney glanced around at her surroundings and then back at Heather. "When you said you and Alejandro wanted to go on a double date with Duncan and I, I was expecting something a little more...normal? You know, like a nice, fancy meal at a restaurant or something, not trying to break into Nathan's house together."

"Well, if I had told you that upfront that would've taken out the surprise element," Heather innocently replied. "And besides, you probably wouldn't have agreed."

"We're literally breaking so many laws right now...trespass, breaking and entering...unlawful entry...stealing...oh my god, I could lose my practising license for this," Courtney nervously said as she counted each offence on her finger.

Heather rubbed her temples. "Court, relax, it's going to be fine and we're not going to be stealing anything."

"What if someone sees us?" Courtney cautiously glanced around again.

"If you're scared, princess, you can wait outside," Duncan smirked.

Courtney folded her arms. "I'm not scared! I'm just...thinking of the consequences."

"How are we going?" Alejandro suddenly asked as he walked up the steps to Nathan's house and joined the trio. "I've checked and the coast is clear for now."

"Nearly there," Duncan replied. He then turned around to face Heather and Courtney and held out his hand. "Ladies, bobby pin?"

Heather rolled her eyes. "Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I always carry a bobby pin around. Talk about stereotyping."

"Well, do you expect me to have a bobby pin then?" Duncan retorted as he glared at Heather.

"Yeah, maybe, to pin that mohawk," Heather sarcastically responded.

"Don't bring my mohawk into this!" Duncan growled.

"Oh my god, stop arguing! What if someone hears us?" Courtney exclaimed. "Here, use this," she added as she quickly took out a bobby pin from her hair and handed it to Duncan.

"Thank you, princess," Duncan flatly said. "At least someone's trying to be helpful, unlike a certain somebody."

Heather glared at Duncan. "Oh yeah? You-"

"Alright everyone, let's all calm down," Alejandro quickly interjected. "Let's just focus on why we're here and try not to get too distracted. The sooner we get inside his house, the sooner we can get out and wrap this up."

"Listen to that, the voice of reason," Duncan remarked as he stuck the bobby pin into the keyhole of Nathan's door and twisted the pin gently.

Heather folded her arms and pursed her lips. I don't know how Courtney puts up with Duncan. He can literally be even more annoying than my siblings sometimes, and that says a lot.

At that moment, the four of them heard a small clicking sound as the doorknob successfully turned.

"Oh my god, finally," Heather said, rolling her eyes. "Took you long enough."

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