Chapter 20

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"So, how are you feeling?" Heather asked Alejandro, as they arrived outside Illuminate's office building together. Today was his first day at work as Illuminate's new Managing Director.

"Excited and a little nervous, but mostly excited and very grateful," Alejandro answered.

"Don't be nervous," Heather laughed as she checked the time on her phone. "You'll be amazing."

Alejandro smiled. "Thank you, mi amor." He straightened his suit and walked together with Heather through the entrance to inside the office building.

A few employees immediately greeted and welcomed him when he walked through the doors, and he smiled politely in response and thanked them.

"Welcome to the team, Alejandro," Nathan smiled as Alejandro walked past him. "It's great to have you on board."

Alejandro glared at Nathan suspiciously. "Thanks," he muttered.

"Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about anything," Nathan added. "I'd be very happy to help. After all, I've been working here since the day we first launched."

"I'll give you a proper tour of the whole place and an introduction to our team later on but let me show you your office first," Heather quickly said to Alejandro, ignoring the passive-aggressive tone in Nathan's voice. "It's upstairs, close to mine."

"I can't wait to see it," Alejandro smirked.

"By the way, we're going to film a short video together to announce your new role and post it on our social media channels," Heather said as they walked up the stairs together. "I've asked Cody to help film and he'll be coming up to find us shortly."

"That sounds great," Alejandro smiled.

Heather swung open the door to Alejandro's office, which was only two rooms away from her own office. A shiny, gold name plate was fixed to the door and it was carved with the words: 'Alejandro Burromuerto - Managing Director'.

"So this is your new office! What do you think? Let me know if you'd like anything else and I can ask Sierra to organize," Heather remarked.

Alejandro stepped inside and did a careful scan of the room. There was a white office desk, a cute pot plant in the corner, a sleek black bookshelf to the right side of the desk, and some abstract style paintings on the wall. His gaze then shifted to a beige couch on the left hand side of the room.

I'm sure that couch will serve two purposes, he thought to himself and smirked. He imagined-

"Alejandro? Hello?" Heather waved a hand in front of his face. "Earth to Alejandro."

Alejandro cleared his throat. "Sí, it's absolutely perfect. I love it, thank you, mi amor," he gently reassured Heather as he put a hand on her shoulder. He meant it. Heather looked at him and smiled.

"I did ask Sierra to order a new coffee table as well but it looks like it hasn't arrived yet," she added. "I also asked her to prepare these summary documents of basically everything you need to know about Illuminate which you can read later. It should be in your email, along with a bunch of some generic HR documents and procedures to get you started."

"Yes, boss," Alejandro smoothly replied.

"You know, I could get used to that," Heather smirked.

She then opened her iPad. "Anyway, back to business. To summarize, at the moment we're still focusing on promotions for the Red Velvet jewellery collection. Sales have been steadily increasing over the past quarter which is great. Our marketing and analytics team have also developed this more sophisticated, live dashboard which allows us to break down sales by demographic, like age, location, gender etc. And we hope to use this data to inform our future marketing and put together a more tailored campaign. In addition to that, we also plan on doing a stakeholder survey, to more closely understand and analyze the preferences of both our current and prospective customers. We want to focus on enhancing our engagement as well as retention rate..." Heather continued as she read off her iPad.

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