Chapter 6

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Back home in Toronto, Heather lay on her bed, fumbling around with the pair of sunglasses in her hands. The thing was, they were Alejandro's. She must have accidentally grabbed them when she was hastily packing up her things that day when they were together at the hotel pool. She turned the sunglasses around and observed the logo - they were a designer brand. So he likes Prada too. She rolled her eyes.

Heather didn't get a chance to see Alejandro and give them back to him before she departed the hotel - she realized he must have caught an earlier flight back to Toronto.

She sighed, and opened her calendar on her laptop to check her schedule for the upcoming week. She then googled J&B Co's office address - it was only a 20 minute drive from her own office.

She bit her lip, conflicted. It was not like she had his number so she could just ask him to just grab them from wherever. But part of her also didn't know how to face him again after that day - she had felt something but would he even mention it? He's probably already forgotten about it. She rolled over and stared at the ceiling, wishing that words would appear telling her what to do.

Fine, I'll drive to his office sometime and give them back to him, she eventually decided. But I'm only doing this because I don't want him to think I'm a thief or that I stole them and plus, they are an expensive brand. It is definitely NOT because I'm looking for an excuse to see him again. Besides, if I still had a secretary I would just ask her to do it instead, but I don't because I fired Lindsay and I still haven't hired a new one yet.

Heather's long winded inner monologue was interrupted by a knock on her bedroom door. It was Courtney.

"Hey Heath, I'm going to play a movie in the living room. Want to join?"

"Oh, yeah count me in!"

"Great! I'll make some popcorn as well," Courtney smiled. She then noticed what Heather was holding in her hands. "Did you get a new pair of sunglasses? I don't think I've seen you wear those before."

"Oh, um," Heather nervously looked down and her eyes darted around. "Yeah I did!" she eventually said.

"But wait, Heath, they look like men's sunglasses," Courtney frowned, taking a step closer and staring intensely at them.

"Yeah, that's because, it's um, one of my employees, uhh, Cody ... yes Cody! Almost forgot his name!" Heather faked a laugh. "His birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise him!" she smiled.

"Wow, that's very generous of you," Courtney smirked. "They look expensive."

"Well, I am the greatest boss after all!" Heather laughed again and tossed her hair. "Anyway, I'll come down soon for the movie ok?"

Courtney nodded and made her way downstairs.

Heather sighed and tossed on her bed. She hated lying to Courtney. But why was that her first instinct just then? Was she scared to admit the truth to her?

And most importantly, what was the truth anyway?


Alejandro was reviewing the latest financial statements for J&B Co at his office desk when his father walked in and dumped a stack of photos on his desk.

Alejandro picked up the photos and froze like a deer in the headlights as he looked through them - they were a series of images of him and Heather when they were at the hotel pool, including a few where they were smiling and laughing together.

"Where did you get these from?"

"I don't know, they were on my office desk," Javier grumbled. "And either way, it doesn't matter. The point is, and if I'm not mistaken, this is Heather Kasuga, founder of Illuminate."

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