Chapter 25

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Song: Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift ;)


3 Years Later

"I still don't get why you wouldn't let me see those jewellery designs," Heather said, rolling her eyes.

Alejandro smiled. "You'll get to see them very soon."

Heather folded her arms and leaned back on her car seat. "That's what you said the last time I asked, and that was three weeks ago."

Alejandro smirked. "Patience, mi amor."

Heather simply pursed her lips and turned her attention to the view outside the car window instead. Alejandro gazed at her, and couldn't help the light chuckle that escaped from his lips. She's so cute when she's like that.

"Sir, Ma'am, we've arrived at the destination," their driver announced several minutes later.

"Thank you," Heather and Alejandro both replied.

They had just arrived outside the Four Seasons hotel. To many, it was simply a hotel but to them both, it was also known as the place where they had shared their first kiss three years ago. And the place where their official relationship had began. A warm and fuzzy feeling blanketed Heather just thinking about the memory.

The next moment, Alejandro took a deep breath and straightened his red tie. He opened the car door, got out and then reached his hand out, with Heather taking his hand and following after him. Stepping outside, they both took in the cool fresh air and glanced around their surroundings, where other cars were also pulling up and where a group of reporters were gathered on a red carpet leading to the hotel lobby.

Heather straightened her dress; it was her favorite formal dress, a wine red midi dress with a cowl neckline and split on the side. It was also her lucky red dress, which was why she decided to wear it to tonight's Annual Canadian Jewellery Business Awards. Not that she needed luck though, Heather was feeling confident that Illuminate would be taking away the prestigious award this year.

Alejandro held out his arm, and Heather instantly and instinctively looped her arm around his. They then walked together in perfect sync across the red carpet.

"And up next is our favorite power couple, Heather and Alejandro!" a reporter gushed as she held the microphone in their faces. "How are both of you feeling tonight?"

"Quietly confident," Heather replied.

"Grateful and content," Alejandro answered.

"Great answers! Well good luck for tonight!" the reporter smiled.

Thanking the reporter, Heather and Alejandro made their way inside the hotel and the room where the awards ceremony was taking place. They took their seats in the front row and made casual conversation with some of the other attendees as they waited for the event to officially begin.

" 25th Annual Canadian Jewellery Business Awards!" Chris spoke as held onto the microphone in one hand and made dramatic hand-waving motions with his other hand.

Heather rolled her eyes. New year, same Chris.

There were a few speeches and presentations throughout the evening which Heather and Alejandro both didn't really pay attention to and then it was time to announce this year's winner.

"And the winner of this year's 'Best Jewellery Business' is and the recipient of the one million dollar prize is..." Chris began.

Alejandro instinctively took Heather's hand and held it in his. Heather held her breath and tightly laced her fingers in his.

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