Chapter 21

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"Here are the latest budgeting files for your review," Alejandro smiled as he placed several documents on Heather's office desk.

"Thank you," Heather nodded, glancing up from her computer. "How about the product designs and proposals for our next jewellery collection which we discussed last week?"

Following the success of the Red Velvet collection, Heather and Alejandro were now in the preparation stages for Illuminate's upcoming jewellery collection, named 'The Emerald Paradise'. At this stage, only the two of them had seen the draft product designs.

"I have made a few changes and a copy has been sent to your email for final approval," Alejandro smoothly answered.

"Perfect. And has the meeting with the jewellery designers for next week been confirmed?" Heather asked.

"Sí," Alejandro nodded. "Sierra has confirmed the date and time and is booking a restaurant for the lunch venue. I am preparing talking points for the meeting and should have them done by the end of today."

"Well, look at who's on top of it all," Heather replied as she eyed Alejandro up and down. "Not bad, Mr Burromuerto. Not bad at all."

"We do make a good team," Alejandro smirked.

"An A team for sure," Heather agreed.

It had now been almost three weeks since Alejandro had commenced his role at Illuminate, and whilst there had been a few 'distractions' and hiccups initially, the two had got better at separating the line between work and 'after work'. As someone in a leadership position, Alejandro was caring, patient and charming, and he knew exactly when to be soft and when to be tough on his team. It was safe to say that he was very well respected by Illuminate's employees.

"Shall we go through the weekly sales reports together?" Alejandro asked.

Heather nodded as she checked the time on her computer. "Sierra usually sends it to me by 10am every Friday. I'll pull them up on my computer right now."

Alejandro took a seat in front of Heather's desk and opened a fresh page on his notebook, ready to take notes. He then watched as Heather scrolled through her computer. "I don't check my emails for five minutes and end up with forty unread emails," she groaned.

"Wow, someone's popular," Alejandro smirked.

Heather rolled her eyes as she continued to skim through her emails. "It looks like Sierra hasn't sent me the reports yet. Let me message her."

Just as she was about to reach for her phone, Sierra suddenly came barging in through Heather's office door, out of breath, and an uneasy look on her face.

Heather raised a brow. "Whoa, what happened to you? Also, where are this week's sales reports?"

Sierra swallowed. "Uh, yeah, about that...there might be a bit of a problem," she slowly said.

Heather leaned forward in her seat. "What kind of problem?"

"Okay, so this morning I was going for my usual morning coffee run with Codykins," Sierra began. "We went to this super cute coffee shop literally just down the road. I remember Codykins mentioned that recently he's been having trouble sleeping so I asked the barista for a decaf instead-"

"Hurry up and get to the main point," Heather impatiently interrupted, folding her arms. "This isn't the Sierra and Cody show."

Sierra narrowed her eyes. "Hey, I was getting there, okay? Anyway, as we were waiting for our coffee I saw this other woman at the coffee shop who was wearing a necklace that looked pretty much exactly like the Red Velvet necklace. So I walked up to her and told her that the necklace looked gorgeous on her and guess what she said? She said that she purchased it from an online jewellery store called RFG Jewellery."

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