Chapter 7

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Double update!


The next week was brutal, we flew straight over to Saudi Arabia for the second instalment of the doubleheader. Between numerous sponsorship events that I had not only for the team but private sponsors, I was exhausted before I even got to the track on the Thursday for media. Much to my distaste, I had also relented to some of the requests of designers to send clothes. I gave Olivia very explicit instructions that the companies needed to be ethical and ideally sustainable, and that I only wanted enough clothes to cover the events, no more. I didn't want any independent designers claiming I hadn't held up my side of an agreement I didn't know about. She assured me that this was the case and before the press that day she pushed me to wear something more fashionable to the paddock. But media day was not one of those, instead, I geared up in my usual shorts and tank top, hat to stop my hair from flying all over the place. Different to last week though, I opted for light makeup, lip gloss and grow gel, leaving mascara off because in this heat it would have been impossible to not smudge. I could see Olivia appreciated the effort when she picked me up from my room at the hotel to go into the paddock just the two of us, before JC would join us later having fallen ill the day before so I wanted to make sure that she took care of herself first and slept in. 

When we got outside, I passed the keys to the rental car to Olivia, and she took them confused as I got myself comfortable in the passenger seat. After a few moments, she took her place in the driver's seat. "You know I can't brief you on media plans if I'm the one driving?" she asked. 

"You emailed me everything right?" I checked and she nodded, I searched her name in my emails and sure enough there it was. "I got it right here, I'll read through it, and you can elaborate if you want to," I explained to her.

She nodded, and pulled her sunglasses back over her eyes, pushing her hair out of her face. "I just realised I've never seen you drive a regular car," she says suddenly, interrupting me as I was whizzing through the PR document, she had sent me. I just hum in agreement and continue to read the document out loud before she interrupts me again. "Why?"

"I don't know to be honest; I couldn't drive when I first started with JC because I was 14, and then by the time I could I was just used to not having to and now I prefer it." I say looking over at her and she nods in response. "I know us drivers are meant to be bad passengers, but honestly, I lose the concept of speed after a session," I say wincing slightly thinking about the time I almost crashed coming home from a race with JC in the passenger seat. "I almost crashed once coming home from a race because I didn't realise how fast I was. JC sort of banned me from ever being in the driver's seat with her and because I always travel with her, I just never do much. Also, driving somewhere I don't know makes me nervous, so I don't need the extra stress before a race. I can, I'm good don't get me wrong, but yeah maybe I should do more" I wonder out loud to myself. 

Olivia shakes her head and laughs "if that's why then I think you should definitely stay on that side of the car", I let out a chuckle of agreement but I'm thinking about it more. 

"I don't know, you're right though, it is weird. Maybe I should start driving to the tracks or driving on media days" Olivia smiles over at me.

"It's unique, like you" she jokes.

"Nah, you can't say that to me! It's stuck in my head now! I'm driving us home tonight! Decided!" I look back down at my phone but before I continue reading, I say "plus, it can't be much worse than your driving!" 

"Bitch!" Olivia remarks, taking a hand off the wheel to hit my arm and I burst out laughing. "Keep reading missy" she jokes, and I do. I'm still getting used to the team and my lack of social skills and always having JC around has stopped me from having the opportunity to hang out with Olivia on that level before. This is nice. I think. 

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