Chapter 44

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Got a start date for my job but it gives me another couple of weeks of just writing so yay!


"So, Elodie, there's a lot to ask you about. First and foremost, Daniel's situation at McLaren and his announcement that he is leaving." Will asks and I nod, a pained expression on my face at the topic.

"It's a sad situation, but I think everyone can agree that the partnership isn't working. It's not really my business what other people are doing, but I do think it's a shame that things were handled in this way and made so public...Formula One is a brutal place but for a team that advocates for mental health as McLaren does to go and be so careless with one of their driver's mental health and not supporting him is painful to see, in a new way." I say leaning against the fencing on the inside of the media pen. "Also, Daniel is a fantastic driver, so it's really a wonder as to why they were seemingly unable to get performance from him. All around, not a great situation."

"You think Daniel can perform at a high level still?" Will asks and I nod my head rapidly.

"Absolutely, no question in my mind. The McLaren car and team this year have struggled, and while Daniel has struggled on top of that, I don't think enough credit is being given to Lando as he is clearly and repeatedly outperforming the car. On top of that strategy, pitstops and experimental setups have led to bad results not just for Daniel but Lando as well." I say trying to stay on the good side of those involved but I'm not sure I achieved that.

"And how about you going into this weekend, are you excited, looking forward to the rest of the season or wanting to skip straight to the next season?" Will asks and I nod and smile at the reminder of moving to Red Bull as I shift my position while I think of an answer.

"I'm excited for the rest of the season, I was saying yesterday that coming back for this half feels like a fresh start, I'm in a lot more of a secure position, I feel good and while I am excited to drive for Red Bull next season, I'm still very passionate about trying to get more points for Williams at the moment. That's my focus. The security I have for my future in F1 at the moment is allowing me more comfort and energy to focus on getting as many points as possible and learning as much as I can in the run-up to next season." I say honestly.

"Alright, and Tatiana Calderon is returning to F2 this weekend, which if our viewers aren't aware, Tatiana was an F2 racer who left the sport after her teammate Antoine Hubert died in a crash here in Spa in 2019. What do you make of her return?"

I smile widely at this question, ready to gush. "I think it's fantastic. Tatiana is a very talented driver and her return to F2 is very welcomed, she was always my role model because she was a few years further on in her career and yeah, I always looked up to her so I'm really happy to see her in the paddock again. Her decision to not only take a break from the sport but to come back is really brave, she knew her limits and knew she needed time and she was brave enough to take it. But yeah, I am really happy to see that she has made that return."

"And what do you make of Stefano's statement earlier today that we couldn't expect any more women to enter the sport in the next five years?" Will asks and I snort.

"He said that? Really?" I ask incredulously and Will nods. "That seems much less...subtle than what he normally goes for." I bite my lip as I think about that and try to calm myself down. "Simply put, that's ridiculous. Regardless of whether Tatiana wants to make that jump from F2 to F1, or whether she's in it for the racing and is happy in F2, there are many talented female drivers making their way into feeder series and I think it's ridiculous that he would say that given the W-Series and Jamie Chadwick in particular. Even if Jamie had to go through F3 and F2 and took two years in both categories, I see no reason why she couldn't be here in five years."

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