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The bright rays of sunshine were lighting up the room in the early hours of the morning heating up every surface they could reach. It was an unusual good weather for the end of april, the morning dew was slowly melting on the ground and the birds were waking up chirping happily in front of the window.

"Daddy? Papa?"

Harry's eyes opened slowly as he faintly heard Charlie's calls. He groaned and brought his fists up to his eyes rubbing them a little too hard which caused stars to erupt behind his eyelids.

"Papa?" Charlie called again.

A grunt erupted next to Harry as Louis rolled over and threw his arm around his waist unbothered by their son's voice. Harry sighed and blinked a few times to get used to his surroundings when suddenly his eyes snapped open completely and his mouth dropped open. The first thing he was looking at was the mirrored ceiling where he stared right at his reflection of him and Louis lying naked between the crumbled purple silky sheets of the bed in the playroom. Scratch marks were littering Louis' back and Harry had imprints on both of his wrists that were standing out as Harry stared at them through the mirror.

"Oh god." He breathed out.

Now it dawned him what had happened. They had gone to the playroom after taking the kids to bed where Louis had first tied him up at the cross by his wrists and fucked him with Harry's legs thrown around his waist and after they had both had their orgasms Louis had thrown him on the bed and continued ruining him until they passed out from exhaustion around four in the morning. Now they were lying in their mass of cum both sticky and still sweaty with half a dozen different used sex toys shattered around the bed and on the floor while their son was next room searching for them.

"Lou!" Harry shook his shoulder frantically who didn't budge. "Wake up!" He hissed.

"Shut up and let me sleep." Louis grumbled and turned away from him.

"No, Lou! Shit." Harry muttered frustrated.

He sat up but cried out when a stinging pain shot through his spine making him temporarily paralysed as he dropped back down on the bed and squeezed his eyes shut tightly to make the pain somehow bearable.

"Lou, please. You have to wake up." He whined and shook him again.

"Ugh what?" Louis groaned and turned back opening one eye slightly. Realisation of where they were hit him just like Harry a minute ago and he was awake in an instant. "Fuck, we fell asleep." He said with wide eyes.

"Daddy!" Charlie shouted.

Louis' head snapped over to the monitor that was fixed on the wall from where the voice was coming from and he gasped.

"Fuck, why didn't you wake me up?" He exclaimed and jumped off the bed.

"I tried!" Harry argued.

"Come on." Louis attempted to pull him up, but Harry snatched his arm away.

"I can't stand up." He said.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry, baby." Louis' demeanour changed suddenly and the panic was washed away and got replaced by worry for the well-being of his husband. He sat back down on the mattress and pushed the curls out of Harry's face. "What can I do? Do you need anything? Water, ice pack, painkillers?"

"It's fine, Lou. Loved it." Harry smiled. "But you need to get out before they find the door."

"Right. Will you manage to get up until I sorted them out?" Louis asked worried.

"Yes. Go." Harry pushed him away.

Louis chuckled and leaned down to peck his lips before he got up and snatched his boxers from the floor. He looked over at the monitor again and just saw how Charlie entered the bathroom so he took that as his chance and slipped through the door as quiet as possible just in time to throw his bathrobe over himself that was lying over the backrest of the armchair in the corner of the room as Charlie emerged from the bathroom again.

We made it. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now