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Another long chapter for you lovely, lovely people <3 leave some love. x

When Harry came out of the bedroom to go downstairs he heard the doorbell ringing meaning his mother and Robin were here. He stopped in front of Charlie's room and knocked before opening it and peeking inside.

Charlie and Ruby were sitting on the floor drawing with crayons that were lying between them, but they looked up to him as soon as his eyes dropped to them.

"Hey you two." Harry smiled. "Nana is here. Come and say hello after washing your hands. Dinner is ready soon." He announced and the kids got up.

"Do we get presents?" Ruby wondered.

"Why should you get presents, sunshine?" Harry asked amused.

"Cuz last time we got presents." Ruby frowned.

"Charlie just got presents because it was his birthday and you only got a small one as well because that's how nana is. But you have to wait until your birthday to get one again." Harry explained.

"But it's so long." Ruby frowned.

"It's in a few weeks, it's not that long. Come on now." Harry smiled and shooed them outside before going downstairs.

"Harry, dear!" Anne's face lit up when she noticed him from where Louis just guided them to the living room and Harry came down the stairs smiling.

"Hi, mum." He greeted and hugged her when she opened her arms for him. Then he hugged Robin who squeezed him and patted his back. "Hi, Robin."

"Thank you for the invitation. Your house is stunning!" Robin said amazed.

"Thank you." Harry smiled sheepishly and stepped beside Louis who flung his arm around him and he snuggled in his chest letting him gratefully kiss his head.

"I love your cardigan, it looks so pretty! Where did you get it from?" Anne asked.

"Uhm, I don't know." Harry frowned. "Louis got it for me." He said and looked up to Louis smiling sheepishly when Louis grinned fondly at him and kissed the tip of his nose.

"If I remember correctly it's from that small shop near Sloan Square station, you know which one, darling?" Louis tried to remember the name but couldn't.

"Oh, 'Really wild clothing'? Funny name, but they have pretty things, yeah." Harry murmured smiling.

"Take care of it or I steal it from you." Anne pointed her finger at him playfully and Harry chuckled.

"If it's gone I know who holds it hostage." He laughed. "Do you want anything to drink? I just have to put the food in the oven and then we can eat."

"Do you want me to help you?" Anne asked.

"Uh, no. I just have to set the table." Harry smiled and peeled himself out of Louis' grip reluctantly. He wanted to stay in his arms forever but unfortunately he couldn't.

"I'm on it." Anne grinned and followed Harry to the kitchen.

A few minutes later she got bombarded by Charlie and Ruby who just came down the stairs while Louis and Robin sat down in the living room talking about the house.

"Guys, let nana breathe for a minute, okay? They will be here for a while and soon you have them around you regularly when they will move here." Harry explained softly.

"But papa. I've to show nana my picture." Ruby pouted.

"And I have to show her my Legos." Charlie added.

"You can do that later, okay?" Harry smiled.

"No, we wanna now." Ruby stomped her foot.

"Ruby, Charlie. Listen to papa and behave or you go to bed early today, are we clear?" Louis called sternly from the living room.

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