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Every time when Harry and Louis drove to work together it was the same. They didn't really talk, Louis being too grumpy to do so, not having enough caffein yet and annoyed because he had to wake up early although he should be used to it since they had kids. Harry never minded being sunken in his own thoughts and imaginations, enjoying the quiet for once before the trouble at the office started.

But today something was different. Today he noticed Louis being different to be precisely. His posture was tense and he stared through the windshield not seeming to actually focus on anything. He didn't grab Harry's hand as usually, neither did he complain about the annoying current hits blaring through the speakers of the radio.

"What's wrong with you, babe?" Harry asked eventually when he had enough after eyeing Louis.

"Huh?" Louis hummed. "Why do you think something's wrong?" He mumbled without taking his eyes off the road but tilting his head slightly with a questioning frown on his face.

"Lou." Harry sighed with a raised eyebrow. "I know you. You're all stiff and the crease on your forehead is so deep I can almost see your brain." Louis snorted at Harry's statement who couldn't suppress a smile seeing the amused glimmer in Louis' eyes- even if it was only for a second because when he blinked it was gone and he was serious again. "Fact is I know you're thinking of something that's bothering you." Harry added.

"Yeah, maybe." Louis murmured.

Harry sighed exaggerating and leaned over the middle console clutching onto Louis' arm pushing his chest against the seatbelt that was trying to pull him back. He pressed his cheek against his triceps and blinked up at him with his lips in a slight pout. Louis glanced down at him and Harry could see his lip twitching trying his best to stay serious.

"Please, tell me." Harry pouted.

"That's unfair." Louis grumbled, the corner of his mouth rose slowly without him wanting to.

"Please, please, please." Harry mumbled and planted some kisses on his arm. "Please." He reached his hand up and poked his cheek making Louis sigh dramatically but a quiet chuckle slipped past his lips.

"It's just because of the meeting with the council." He sighed.

"Hm, I figured. But why? Do you think it will turn out bad?" Harry frowned and leaned back in his seat placing his hands on his lap.

Louis reached over blindly and ran his hand along his thigh slowly and between his legs until he felt Harry's hand and grabbed it, linking their fingers together but kept them where they were. Butterflies went crazy in Harry's tummy as usual just at those simple gestures and he looked at their intertwined hands with a loving smile. Louis had a firm grip on his hand, his fingers were closed, the tips brushing against his knuckles and Harry loved it. He loved that he didn't just link their fingers but actually held his hand properly.

"No idea. But either way after this project I won't work for them anymore." Louis revealed.

"What? Why?" Harry's head turned to him surprised.

"There are a few reasons. I thought about it for a while now and it's just so much stress. Everytime we have such a huge project I barely see the kids and we don't have time for each other already anyway and fact is you are my priority and not my job. We have more than enough money, we aren't dependend on the big projects and it's more than sufficient doing the smaller jobs, selling private estates just like I did a few years ago. It was fun, I loved my job but now I just...every morning I go to work I'm counting the minutes until I can go home and I don't want that, Harry. I want to enjoy working again and balance it with our private life." Louis explained with furrowed eyebrows.

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